Part 10

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Radiohead pounded through the speakers in my room and I moved from my closet to my bed. I had been laying out clothes for the past two days trying to figure out what I should and shouldn't bring with me. I sighed as I heard my door open; I was half expecting Frank to walk in since the last time I was doing this it was for My Chemical Romance's first tour. I swallowed hard and looked up at Jay with a frustrated stare.

"You okay?" He asked concerned.

"No." I sighed and sat down on the edge of my bed. "All I can think about is Frank."

He walked over and sat down next to me. Jay knew all too well about my past and everything that happened with the My Chem boys.

"You know that last time I packed for tour I was with Frank." I stared down at the floor.

"Yeah, I know," He spoke quietly.

"Why can't I stop thinking about him? It was so long ago." I sighed. "I should have forgotten all about him by now."

"You two went through a lot and you loved him," My best friend shrugged as he spoke. "He was the only person who you ever loved like that and he was the only person who ever loved you like that. It makes total sense."

I glared at the ground below my feet. "I hate it."

I remembered back to the first week that I had left. I had gotten so many calls from the boys, that I ended up crying most days out of guilt. With in that first week or so I had to change my number just so the calls would stop. Just so I could forget about them and I hoped, so they could forget about me.

Jay stood and stared at my bed full of clothes and finally he spoke up again. "Take just these few piles. It's going to be hot so you don't really need more than two pairs of pants and like one of these sweatshirts."

I nodded and stood as well. "Thank Jay."

"No problem, Lenny." And with that he left the room.


"Love of mine

Some day you will die

But I'll be close behind

And follow you into the dark..."

My voice came through the speakers quiet at first as I sang the lyrics to Death Cab for Cutie's, I Will Follow You Into the Dark. At every show Kris and I would play this song, it was kind of a tradition now, but I don't think the people we played for minded very much. It was just a good way to wide down a set.

This was our last show before we left to go on the Taste of Chaos tour with The Used. We hadn't heard much about the tour; all we knew was that there would be a bus outside my house at 5 o'clock on Sunday morning.


It was quiet when I woke up at 4:30 in the morning on Sunday. I expected Brian and Adam to be jumping on my bed, but my flat was totally silent. I stood from my bed slowly and stumbled through the dark until I found my way to the bathroom. The light blinded me and I shut my eyes tightly not wanting them to open again. A few moments later I was staring at myself in the mirror and hoping it wasn't as early as I knew it was. I had never been a morning person.

I made sure everything was off and all electrical outlets were unplugged before I closed my front door and locked it. I sat on the front steps of my apartment building, my two bags of luggage on the ground next to me as a car that I knew as Adam's pulled into the parking lot and four sleepy looking young adults got out of it. Soon all four of us were sat on the front steps with our bags out on the sidewalk.

My ears perked up as I heard the sound of the bus pulling down the street. Brian stood and ran to the edge of the sidewalk to wave down the bus driver. Everything had been loaded onto the bus and now we were all sitting around the lounge area waiting to be driven to our first venue.

I yawned and stood from the black leather couch. "Wake me up if I'm not already by the time we get there."

No one answered, though I knew that had heard me, as I walked back into the bunk area and slid into my bunk that was lowest to the ground and on the right side of the bus. I was asleep before my head hit the pillows.

I heard loud noises coming from the front of the bus, but tried to block them out as I turned over in my bed. I heard my curtain being tugged open and I opened my eyes partially to be faced with someone unfamiliar.

"Good afternoon, my love," His long black hair hung in his face, a cheesy smile plastered on his lips.

"What?" I blinked a few times, rubbing my eyes with the palms of my hands.

"Well," He looked down at his empty wrist like there was an invisible watch there. "It's about 4:30pm so it would be stupid to say good morning."

"I slept all day?"


I rubbed my eyes again and finally realized who I was talking to. "Bert?"

He grinned. "That's me! Now get up, you got sound check soon."

With that he disappeared back to the front of the bus where I heard more voices. I pulled on a fresh plain white t-shirt and a pair of black shorts before I headed out into the main room. There in the lounge area was Jay, Brian, Kristi and the four guys that made up The Used.

Jeph smiled and waved as he saw me walk in from the bunk area. "How'd you sleep?"

I smiled and sat down next to him. "Good, thank you."

"Hey, Lennox! We got sound check."

I looked over at Kristi as she stood and headed for the door and the rest of the guys followed after her. I stood and slowly walked off the bus and headed for the back doors of the first venue of the tour that would change everything.

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