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Author: CarterCasterwill

Characters name: Carter Casterwill

Book Origin: Huntik: Secrets and Seekers (TV show)

Genre: FanFiction

Title: Just Another Huntik Series

Help: Carter is a very playful and teasing girl. She loves to tease Dante and Zhalia, along with the rest of her team. She does have a deathly fear of fire, which don't knw how to portray. She also, in the second book, has these screamng fits, in which she basically, at random, sits on the floor, pulls her knees up to her chest and starts screaming, which I need help with also. Despite her playful attitude, she's an infultrator and is very serious about her job. I need help, basically, with her fire fear, screaming fits, and how she goes frm playful to serious with in a matter of seconds. I also don't want her to turn into a Mary Sue. Thanks

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