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Author's Name: TheAngelsAreFalling_

Character's Name: Niagara Dryden

Book of Origin: Niagara (Newt Scamander)

Genre: Fanfiction

Help: In the interest of coming up with a character nothing like me or my other characters, Niagara is EXTREMELY quiet. I wouldn't even say she's shy, she just doesn't talk. She is quite secretive as she's not human and she may have been abused (either emotionally or physically, not sure yet, maybe both but it wasn't a prolonged event).

I don't want the abuse to be a pivotal part of her character that's made her 'damaged', or like all the cliché stories I read about the "shy, damaged, abused damsel-in-distress" but I'm not sure how to stay away from that.

I do have a scene in which she tears a strip off a classmate for being disrespectful to magical creatures, mainly because she is one and the person says they should all die, but how do I make her badass without her saying much, usually?

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