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authors name: @AmericanWallflower

Characters name: she currently doesn't have a first name but her last name is Snow

Book: Unpublished, Grayscale

Genre: Teen fiction

Help I need: (Sorry in advance for rambling) ok so here goes nothing. My MC is afraid of loosing people,  from her parents who are workaholics(they try to be that perfect family and put up a façade around the reality of their home life), to her brother who died, to her other brother(her twin) who ran away after the other brother died(this affected her a lot because the two people who understood her most suddenly weren't there anymore, and her parents made her move schools[ she moves between sophomore and junior year]) . She has never suffered any abuse, unless you count her mind. She takes care of her younger sister and practically raises her now since everyone else is gone, and everything she does is her trying to get her parents attention. That's until she just stops trying. Once she realizes that she can't escape her parents, or herself, she kind of gives up on being the child that she put on for her parents and was just there. This is junior year. The year that she changes. The only thing is I dont know what to so to help her be okay again. I got a little attached to her and I kind of breaks me that I can't fix her.
BTW there is a lot of drama and other things that go on but I cant say, because that would spoil it :( but there is three people, Neil, Dean, and Olivia that notice her and the change,  as well as her little sister, and try and help but she pushes them away due to her fear of letting people in and loosing them. Then comes Carson. He helps her change and find who she is, I just dont know who that is either...

little thing:
she has an emergency thing to do, its a secret, and can't pick up Hope, her sister, from school and has Carson get her, after lots panic and rules, Hope stays with him till MC is done and.. more secrets :D)
I hope you can help! and sorry

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