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Author: @darkfandoms57

Character name: Wren Donovan

Book: Lost in Battle // Supernatural & Harry Potter Crossover (no chapters published yet)

Genre: Fanfic

Help: The main character, Wren Donovan, started hunting since she was very little, it ran in the family. Her mom died years ago to a ghost. Now she's fifteen and her father just got killed by a demon; she would've also died if she wasn't saved by the Winchesters. She is supposed to go to Jody's, but she's planning on running away to continue her hunting life. She was at the bunker when Sirius Black fell through a gateway she was looking at. Her and the Winchesters will help Sirius find a way home. I want her to be tough (because she's a hunter), but she needs some weaknesses. And anything that she could change throughout the book (e.g. opinion, weakness, etc.)? I want her character to develop throughout the book! Any tips/suggestions? Thanks :)

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