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Author Name: AngelCakeszee

Character Name: Angel Snow

Book of Character's Origin: Breakaway - Fred Weasley (not published yet)

Genre: FanFiction

Background - Angel Snow is quiet and comes across as rude and distance to strangers since she gets nervous easily and worries a lot. She's bestfriend with a girl name Skylar Malfoy, who is the exact opposite of her but the two still somehow are able to get along quite well.
But one thing that the two have in common is that they enjoy pulling pranks on people but everyone knows that Skylar is a prankster. Nobody but Skylar Malfoy, Angelina Johnson, and Katie Bell knows of Angel's  love for pranks. This earned her the nickname, Two-Faced-Prankster by Skylar since everyone else sees Angel as a Goodie Two-Shoes-Girl.
But Angel actually despises the Weasley twins, expecially Fred and so, she decides to pull pranks on them without them knowing that she's the one doing it. While ignoring Skylar's warning, who is bestfriends with the twins.

Help: I'm having a hard time with cool pranks that Angel and pull on the twins. I would really appreciate it if anyone would comment down any pranking ideas

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