New places

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Sabrina's POV

Great, I'm sat alone in my new room, it's so bare, it's a kinda okay purple colour but I hate everything bout this, I hate that what happened happened, I hate my mom for doing what she did, I hate that my parents had to get divorced, I hate that my dad got a new girlfriend, I hate that we had to move all the way out here and I had my sister Sarah for staying with that woman

Okay so maybe it isn't HATE Sarah but I just don't get why she'd do it, after everything mom put us through, after everything she caused how could she stay there?

I look around my bare room, the movers don't arrive until tomorrow with all our stuff so I'm sat in this room with just a bed, it sucks, everything about this sucks, I don't want to be here, I didn't want to move why did this have to happen?!

There's a rather loud knock at my door causing me to look up

"If it's dad then go away, if it's Lauren then I don't want to know" I yell

"Since when did dad knock or Lauren have the guts to try and come into your room" I hear the gruff voice of my brother Ryan as he opens my door but remains in the doorway

"Good point" I say with the most genuine smile I've had for the past two days

"Hey how about I take you and me out for pizza, my treat" I smile wider, pizza! God my brother knows me so well

"Won't dad and Lauren want us to have dinner with them?" I ask him as I remember dads new idea about us being a family, screw that, Lauren is not and never will be my mother, my mom isn't the best person but I'm not replacing her with this girl who's barely older than Ryan

I'm currently 17 but I don't have my drivers license because I just don't think I'm ready for that yet and Ryan always drives me wherever I wanna go so I don't really need it just yet

Ryan and I are best friends, he's been my only real friend for a long time, I mean Sarah and I were quite close but not like Ryan and I, him being 23 I'm his baby sister, he's quite protective but I like it, he was basically the one raising me for quite a while with all the stuff going on with our parents, he's the one who's helped me through everything, he makes sure I've eaten, that I'm at school on time, that I've got my homework done and helps me if I need it, he's a genius, he picks me up after as well I told him I could walk but back in Washington it was a twenty minute walk home so he picked me up, he always made sure he had the right shifts at work, he's my big brother and my best friend

"When was the last time I gave a shit what dad and his little girlfriend wanted?" He smirks as he says it, he doesn't like Lauren much either, I don't get on well with dad, he was a drunk when I was younger, he hit me a few times when I was fourteen but when Ryan found out he threatened to take me away so dad got his act together, he got sober and he's better now but we don't get along and after all this I can guarantee you we never will, Lauren is literally 30 years old, 7 years older Han Ryan, over 20 years younger that dad, I just don't like her, there's something not right about her I just don't know what

"Also a very good point, when do we leave?" I ask him, returning his smirk, the smirk becomes more of a cheeky grin as I hear the front door slam shut, I watch him count down from ten on his fingers and then nods

"Right about now should do nicely" he tells me with a chuckle

"You couldn't have given me a little more warning? I'm a mess" I moan as I look down at my three quarter length sweatpants and cropped T-shirt over a light yellow vest top, my hairs tied up in a messy bun and I have no makeup on

"You look perfect now come on" he chuckles softly, I groan and he rolls his eyes sarcastically, he walks over top my bed and bends down a little facing away from me, I pounce on his back and he grins a little through he laughing as I kick him in like a horse

"Giddy up pony" I joke

"B I'm a foot taller than you, if I'm a pony what does that make you?"  He sticks his tongue out a little as he proudly takes in his little quip

"A cute little puppy" I reply with a giggle and he grumbles all the way down the stairs

"You're gonna be too big for this soon" he tells me but I just roll my eyes

"You've been saying that for like 5 years" I remind him

"Oh yeah still waiting for another growth spurt aren't we? He laughs as he slips his shoes semi on I grab mine from when I had hung them by their laces earlier, coincidences huh

We head out to his car at which point he drops me back onto the ground, we both get in and sort out our shoes before off we go to what I hope is dominos but Ryan being Ryan is probably Pizza Hut


First chapter, what do you think? Xoxo

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