It Was Nothing

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*Emma's P.O.V*

We pulled apart and I turn to see everyone there with wide eyes and I see luke roll his eyes...

He was going to walked but they stopped him.

"What the hell was that you kissed what does that mean?" Stassie said and everyone stood there waiting for him to explain even I wanted to know.

"It was nothing it didn't mean anything it was just a kiss" he said and rolled his eyes.

Ouch that hurt alot........

"You felt nothing wow I actually thought that was something...... but you know what fuck you this 'relationship' is over have fun with the other girl and just stay away" I said tears threatening to fall, I walked away as I saw the girl catch up walking be side me as we walked side by side in the pouring rain.

*Luke's P.O.V*

"You felt nothing wow I actually thought that was something...... but you know what fuck you this 'relationship' is over have fun with the other girl and just stay away" Emma said walking away the girls walking beside her as I stood there in the pouring rain.

"An you thought it would work right" Calum said and he sighed

"We're not in this were on there side were sorry luke but your on your own you had no right to hurt her like that" Ashton said and walked to the direction of the girls the guys following behind as I walked to the car.

"Where to Mr.Hemmings?" The driver asked

"To the house I bought" I said and he nodded and we drove down the road.

*Emma's P.O.V*
¤a week later¤

I am laying down on the pool chairs just staring at the stars the tears slipping out of my eyes.

The second time I get hurt and it hurts wores. I heard screaming come from inside and I got up and ran to see if the girls were okay.

"Emma I got a call from One Direction they want to meet tomorrow!" Stassie squealed and I was in shock as I squealed and hugged her with all the girls and us hugging.

"Let's get to bed we meet them tomorrow at a star bucks that they reserved" Stassie said and we nodded an ran up stairs and laid down as sleep instantly taking over me.

¤Next Morning¤

I woke up to my alarm along with the girls and we started to get ready I walked to my closet I grabbed my maroon crop top hoodie and black high waist ripped skinny jeans and maroon converse and a floral crown. I grabbed my keys from my stand and walked out to the living room to see the girls on there phone.

"Guys since we have like an hour I'm going to dye my hair again back to my normal color and ombre" I said and they nodded and I walked out.

I got to my salon I always I go to, I got off to be met with flashing lights.

I quickly grabbed my sun glasses and put them on and walked to the salon entering there doors.

"Wow when did this happen" sarah ask

"Since luke and I had a thing" I said and she nodded and sat me down in a chair

"What today darling" she asked and brushed my hair

"Back to my normal color and ombre blue and green highlights" I said and she got started as I sat there thinking of what the boy might want that they called us yesterday day.

It been 20 minutes and my hair is done and curled as I walked as I got a text from the girls to meet them at the star bucks.

I quickly got in and drove to the star bucks. I met the girls and we got off as we walked in flashing lights on us fans screaming.

We walked in and to be met with five guys.

"Hello girls" the said and we said hi back and sat down. We talked for hours.

Every one got up and had there own conversation as Harry walks to me.

"Hello beautiful" he said as I blushed at his choice of words

"Hello styles" I said and his smiled grew wider.

"So you and luke huh?" He asked and I looked down, I looked back up curiosity on his face 

"Sorry, it's just me and him are done we ended it last week." I said as I put my head down feeling to fingers under my chin and picking head up to be met with green colored eyes

"Well it was his mistake letting a beautiful girl slip away" he said and I blushed again, "How about a date to dinner this Friday?" He asked nervous showing on his face and hope in his eyes.

"Sure I would like that." I said as a smile came back on his face and I smiled back as I heard the girls say bye of the guys

"Well I got to go" I said as I walked but stopped by Harry how grabbed my wrist lightly

"Emma...... can I get your number" he asked nervously as I nodded him handing me his phone and me handing him mine.

Once we exchanged numbers I left and caught up to the girls as we walked down the place.

"So you and Harry spill" Abby said and I smiled as I nodded and we walked out seeing no fans or papz.

We got to our cars and they turned to me and gave me the tell us look.

"Well he asked about luke I told him that we broke up and he said it was his lost for letting a beautiful girl slip away then he asked me to a date this Friday and for me number" I said and the were shocked

"What repeat the last part" Stassie said with a smirk on her lips.

"He asked me out on a date this Friday and for my number an I said yes" I told them and the squealed hugging me.

As I laughed and got in my car and drove down the road thinking of the possibilities. With only one question in my mind.

What if Harry hurts me like luke.........

Hey guys hope you like this chapter vote comment love you guys.

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