Promise Me You Won't Let Go

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*Emma's P.O.V*

I'm am here at a place that I have been regretting to come to, I just wish we had more time, I just wish they stayed here longer to meet there future grandchild, she me graduate high school and college, for my mom and dad hug me when the see my diploma, for my dad to dance with my my wedding day. I was brought out of my thoughts when a hand was placed on mine and on my cheek wipping my tears.

"We are gathered here today of the loss of Lauren Hernandez and James Hernandez." He went on about God and my parents as I sat there in Lukes arms and the family I have left, I just cried silently waiting for my turn to speak I never thought I would have to do this so early I'm only 17 and I am doing this.

"An now a word from there loving daughter Emma Hernandez" I got up and walked down the row to the stage and just looked at there coffin.

"My mom and my dad were such kind people they loved everyone, even when my bestfriend left my mom always made me smile my dad made me laugh they kept my on my feet till he came back, but now that there gone I think there counting on him to keep there little her on her feet. I just wish they didn't leave god do I love my mom and my dad, I remember when I was 8 years old I cried so they didn't go on a business trip I even tried to fake I was sick" I laughed and so did they, "But the only thing I'm wishing for at this point right know is for them to come back and for this to be a horrible dream." I said and walked off as it was time to say final goodbye before we close the coffin.

I went to my dad's kissing his forehead and just crying as I reached my mom I just sobbed.

"Momma why did you go who's going to tell me that there little girl needs a hug who's going to hold me when my heart broken, momma why didn't you guys stay, wake up momma wake up please" I cried none stop, "Momma, daddy please wake up don't leave me please wake up" I sobbed as luke pulled my away tears coming down from his face as everyone cried to my words and I fought to get out of Lukes grip but my knees went week and he lowered to the floor with me.

"Excuse me but who will be caring them" this time Stassie, Brianna, Abby, Calum, Michael, and Ashton beside me and luke as he stood up and so did the guys Stassie pulling me in her arms.

"We'll carry her father" The priest looks at me and I nodded, "And the mother" I stood up this time the grisly following as I opened my mouth but Stassie speaking before me.

"We will" We walked to the closed coffins and picked them up carrying them out.

*After Funeral*

"Emma do you want so-" I cut luke off

"I'm fine go with arzealya she's probably waiting for you" he sighed and sat next to me

"I left arzealya because I know how much I love you and I want to be here and hold you in my arms Emma" I sighed as I pushed him away and walked up to my room and laid on my bed, I got up and walked to my closet and grabbed box of memories with my parents as I played a DVD on my laptop

'"Emma come out come out were ever you are" I giggled, "Ah I got you now I'm going to eat you with kisses" my dad tickled me and kissed my cheeks as I laughed

"D-Da-daddy s-st-stop" I laughed as he stopped and I sat up, "Ewww cooties" I giggled "Okay now I count you hide" I said to my dad as he nodded and I counted

"One, two, three, four, five come out come out wherever you are" I turned around seeing my dad behind me and I giggled

"Daddy I can still see you" I jumped in his arms and he chuckled

"No you can I'm invisible" I giggled, "Your silly daddy" and I hugged him.

"I love you princess" I giggled as he tickled me side a little, "I love you to daddy"'

The filmed stop and I was in tears as I put another one in.

'"Shhhhh daddy your way to loud your going to wake up mommy" I giggled as turned to the camera with pancake batter all over my pajamas and face and hair.

"Sorry" We entered the room, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAY MOMMY" I jumped on her lap as she giggled and I kissed her

"Hello my pancake monster" she giggled "ROAR" I giggled as she chuckled and kissed my forehead

We finished eating heading to the kitchen and my mom seeing it.

"What a mess" she said and I pointed at my dad "Daddy did it he said you would be fine with it" my mom giggled and looked at my dad "Clean this up"

"What, no one like  tattle tales emma" my dad said in a baby voice and I giggled kissing his cheek while I was in my mom's arms and we left'

I was now sobbing as I enter yet another DVD which was my last

'"Emma come one let's see how  look" I was 16 and walked down stairs from my room

"How do I look daddy" I asked and he smiled "Just like a princess" I smiled and hugged him

"Thank you daddy, I was a afraid you wouldn't like it" I said and he pulled away

"I will never judge the way you look" I smiled hugging him once more

We were in the limo my mom recording.

"Dad I'm nervous what if everyone thinks I don't look good"

"Emma you look beautiful and if they don't see that then there lost" he smiled and I leaned my head on his shoulder

"Thank you dad I can always count on you for a smile" I smiled and he did to

"I love you daddy"'

The video ended and I was in Lukes and arms sobbing, I just cried till I calmed down a little and I spoke

"I miss them so much luke" he sighed and just rubbed my back because I know he knows he can't say a word and everything will be better

"I'm sorry for being an ass I just have so m-" he cut me off

"It's fine Emma I know you are hurting no need to apologize" he smiled pulling me close, "And I won't let you go till my princess has a strong again because I am here to keep you on your feet because it's a promise I made to your parents since the first day I met you" I gave him a small smiled and looked at him our eyes locking

"Promise Me You Won't Let Go?"

"I promise"

Sorry for sad chapters it's just it's my mood I'm in but hey tomorrow I'll be writing yet another chapter but a happy one so please comment and vote love you guys.

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