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*Emma's P.O.V*

It's been a month since mine and Luke's brake up, today I was at the building with Calum Michael and Ashton and shawn we were leaving from here to the air port.

"I'm gonna miss you" Stassie said as all the girls were crying, the guys left as we all left us going to the air port.

*Luke's P.O.V*

The guys came back from where they went and they were sad as I gave them confused looks.

"What happen guys?" I asked concerned, as Calum looked up and answered.

"The girls left today to go on tour they leave today to New York" I jumped up thinking of Emma not wanting to leave things the way we left them, I grabbed my keys running out to my car and drove to the air port.

I ran in going through security as I ran to the gate she was on as a voice came on the speaker.

'Flight 309 to New York now boarding'

I ran as I saw her, "EMMA, EMMA, EMMA!" I yelled as she kept walking as I ran past crowds and pushed past people it felt like I was going no where and I was just standing in place as she walked away.

I reached her as I grabbed her hand and she spun around her eyes lit up and sparkled.

"Luke..... what you doing here" she asked as I smiled at her.

"I didn't want to leave things the way they were." I pulled her in smashing her lips on mine, we kissed as I pulled away.

"Luke don't do this please your just hurting the both of us more." She said a tear slid down her cheek.

"Emma-" I was cut off by the speaker,

'Flight 309 to New York last call to board'

"Don't wait for me luke" she pecked my lips and walked away as I stood there just waiting for her to turn and run in my arms but she kept walking as the door closed.

*Emma's P.O.V*

"Don't wait for me luke." I pecked his lips as I walked away tears streaming down my face as I walked on to the plane.

I had a row to myself as I leaned my head against the window and played Pandora as 'Let her go by passenger' came on as I listen to it tear coming down as the plane took off. I looked back on all mines and looks photos as I smiled tears still falling down as I just stayed stuck on one picture. It was when I jumped on his back and Abby recorded is as we raced against Calum with Stassie on his back, and we won Abby took the picture I was laughing as he was to.

I cried to the memory missing him wishing I had never told him to leave and just wanting to turn back time. I got a text from him.

From: Luke😙

I'm waiting for you even if it's for the rest of my life.

I cried more as I answered

To: Luke😙

Goodbye luke.

End of the story it's so sad but sequel is coming comment vote love you guys.

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