You Broke Me Either way

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¤Emma's P.O.V¤

We made it to the restrant in the limo to see the girls standing out side, the had the same dress brand and desighn as me an stassie but diffrent color.

"You girl look georgous the boys are going to fall head over heels for us this time" abby said as we laughed

"Yeah lets swe about that" i said as we walked threw the doors together getting stares from all the boys as we blushed, ashton approached abby and he took her hand calum took stassie, micheal took brianna, as i stood there luke walked up.

"I know you were expecting harry but he couldnt make it niether did the boys but im here so...... shall we." He said as i grabbed his and and we walked to the table for the eight of us.

"So what did i miss well i shut my self away" i said and the three boys smiled.

"Well me and ashton are in a relationship and so is calum and stassie and micheal and brianna" abby said as i smiled back and nodded its nice to see my friends in happy relationships

"If either one of you hurt them you womt live to see the next day" i said as the girl laughed and the boys nodded

We ate and every one got uber well the couples got sepret cars two im each which left me amd like alone.

"Do you wanna talk and walk around the garden"he said

"What is there to talk abo-"

"Emma im trying to fix things it was a mistake leaving you i didnt mean to hurt you"

"Well you broke me either way luke I shut everyone out its still unbelieveable im here luke" I said as he sighed

"Listen im so-"

"Sorry is just a word luke its not going to fix anything" he sighed

"Just emma ple-"

"Luke i dont want to i dont want to take a walked with some body that hurt me and broke my heart a probably more then once b-" i was cut ofd my him smashimg his lips on mine me instantly kissing back, as he pulled away putting his forhead on mine

"But im the only one that can fix it." He finished my sentence and I pect his lips, "I missed you, your smile your laugh, the way your dimples come deeper when you blush or when you get complemented, the way you light the room up, the way people look at you, and i love every single inperfection of yours, and i love you emma...... be mine agaim and i will never let you slip away again." He said as he wipped my tear that fell

"Yes.." i said as i smiled and he kissed me both smiling into the kiss

I wish i knew what i was doing but my heart got the best of me............

Another update to make up for yesterday i know its short but its okay love you guys

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