Remember Me (rewrite)

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*Luke's P.O.V*
The V.I.P line was filled with screaming girls all but one. She stood there with a pout and a little sadness in her eyes, I couldn't help but look at her every chance I got because she looked familiar. It's as if I knew who it was but at the same time I have no clue who this girl is. The more I let my thoughts occupy me, she would move closer. Next thing she was just three groups away. Making her group last so I was able to have more time with her. 

The groups went by fast, and I still don't know who she was. I watched her carefully as her and I'm guessing her friends waited eagerly next to her. Yet she doesn't, she looks worried now, but she still looks sad. Her head was down so I couldn't figure out who she was. 

"Next!" The security had yelled finally it's her turn, I tried looking at her but she kept her head low so I couldn't see much of her. Until I finally saw her. "Hi we're such big fans, I'm Abby this is Brianna, stassie, and-" I was shocked and stood up quickly cutting the girl off "Emma." She picks her head up brown brown Hazel eyes looking up to me, with a dash of sadness. I felt myself feel horrible, my smile and my mood fell. It's her, it's really her. 

The guys made a huge scene and ran to her tackling her with a hug. "I can't believe it's you we miss you all so much Em." Ashton held her tightly in a hug, I couldn't help but admire her while she smiled at him while hugging them back. Her eyes still had a dash of sadness but she looked less worried than before, her smile still showed a bit. Until it came to me.

"Why did you stop talking to me? Did I do something to you, that you just decided to just stop communicating?" Her eyes were now full of sadness while she asked her questions, I wanted to reply and I know she's waiting for a response but I have nothing to say. I had no good answer to give her. 

*Emma's P.O.V*
He looked down and I turned to the girls who looked completely confused, I let out a sigh and shrugged while looking back at Luke "It doesn't matter anymore it's in the past, things happen. I still can't believe that you've remembered me, after three years." His eyes met mine but I looked everywhere else to avoid eye contact. It's like I could read him and his expression was sad. 

"Emma why wouldn't I remember you, you're my best friend we grew up together. You mean everything to me and trust me that has and will never stop." I felt myself wanting to cry but I stared at the floor letting me calm my emotions down, while I blinked my tears away, "If that was the case and I meant every single thing to you, why did you stop calling? If I was your best friend, why did you let me think for three years you stopped caring? An if it never stopped why did it for three years?" I look down nothing I couldn't stop myself from crying even if I tried, I looked back up and he moved closer to a hug which made me step back 

"No.... Just stay right there. I just don't want your comfort, not now. I don't want to be lied to Luke I just want the truth from you." I sniffled while I wiped my tears, looking down and back at the girl who still had no idea on what was happening. I cleared my throat moving aside while looking at the guys. 

"Can you guys take a couple pictures with them and sign some things? If that doesn't trouble you too much, so we can leave please." I started looking at every possible thing in the room so I wouldn't make eye contact with the guys. I felt tears falling down my cheek which made me quickly wipe them away, I watched as the boys took pictures with them and signed some things. I can't do this. It's like the room is getting smaller by the second. I looked up to meet eyes with Calum, he was sad. 

"I'll be at the car." I turned away walking out of the room, I walked through the halls trying not to let myself fall apart the whole way I walked to the car. I slowly reached the car and that's when I fell apart. I sat on the floor leaning against it, I let out small quiet sobs. Sitting there my knees against my chest while crying into my arms holding them. 

"Hey emma, whenever you're ready we'll leave okay?" I heard a small voice speak  while she sat next to me, I heard heavier footsteps not that far from us. I quickly looked up to see the guys walking to us. 

"I'm ready." I got up quickly getting in the car, the girls following behind quickly, Luke ran up to the car as we pulled out. I watched him from the back window, this time it's me leaving him 

"Emma! Emma wait please!" He yelled and I felt myself wanting to fall apart once again, while we drove away. I turned around in my seat while I stared out the window next to me watching the street lights pass made me sink into my thoughts while I let myself cry again. I don't know why this is hurting so much. I wish I wasn't hurting at all, I wanted to go back to the numb feeling again. Yet just see him, hearing his voice lead me to hurting. As much as our memories always make me have a smile and laugh, that was then and not now. Now he's the reason I feel so much pain, that I just want to be numb. 
Thank you so much once again for reading this rewrite!! Much love and stay safe!!

1024 words

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