||Chapter 1||

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~||Chapter 1||~

Violet's POV

When you sit down and look out at the overall world, many will look past the true point, many will look too closely and blame others. In general they make it about themselves, the either embrace at though it is about them or reject it because it isn't. While those living through whatever hell it maybe, simply are forced to endure and survive it, because they have no other choice.

Me, I can't ignore my surroundings anymore, I am a young african american girl in the damned city of New York. I can't brush aside the shootings, the mass violence, the racism that is always ignored by those who do wish to admit it is there. I have no option. Aside from escaping it for mere moments by reading and believing in something bigger and better, I don't mean religion, I mean the supernatural.

My family is composed of two types of people, my mother's side which are die-hard christians who resent the smallest of abnormalities including my own. The my father's side, who loves the abnormalities of the world especially my grandfather who swears everyday that he has seen the supernatural world.

He calls us blind, oblivious and uncaring of the world around us. Except me for some reason, he says I will see them soon. Which excites me even, because in a world of black and white, shades of any color is a gift.

However, time grew dull and I would simply go to school, work, and then end the day with homework or chores. It was never anything special, the occasional flirt or bully but not to over the top, I stuck my nose in a book they said nothing. Private schools were like that, as long as no one figured out what I was reading about that is, otherwise I might have been branded the devil or something.

So here I sat in my final period waiting for the day to end, the clock ticking as though taunting me.

"Psst. Viiii." The whisper caught my ear, I ignored it though knowing full well Mr. Delani would have my head on a silver platter if I turned around during his mathematical analysis on the construction of some weird little pyramid.

"I know you hear my Vi. Come on girl answer me." The nagging continued this time, I could actually make out the sound of my friend Lexi pestering me in hopes of being distracted. I once again ignored her, this time however my hand came up promptly flicking her off earning minimal gasps for those who thought I was incapable of actual emotions such as anger. Many had tried to get my attention before and failed to even get a mere huff of annoyance from me.

"Ms. Betancourt. What is 2x + 10 = 16 final result?" Mr. Denali had focused in on Lexi and I couldn't even stop my slight giggle at the situation. He had completely changed his momentum in the problem and pulled a random equation for her to find and completely miss as she usually did.

"Um... Three?" Her voice was nowhere near confident and all it did was send the class into a chorus of laughter, with a disappointed sigh leaving the teacher. "Ms. Betancourt... Please see me after class..." Following those words came her usual disgruntled groan of hatred for the subject known as Trigonometry,

As expected of me however, the moment class ended I was waiting outside for her, playing with the ends of the curls I was thankfully blessed with. I got lucky enough to get the genes from both parents one with the normal curly unmanageable hair, and the other with wavy blonde hair that literally needed nothing done to look okay.

Within minutes came the overly bouncy and excited form of my friend, meaning she did not have detention as of today. Now Lexi or Alexis was rather bubbly in nature if you couldn't tell never really a rebel or at least not on purpose. She is your typical hipster wanna be, pink highlight and nerd glasses all for show, the girl had 20/15 vision for god's sake.

"Hello, earth to Violet!" The noise literally forced me out of my train of thought my analysis fleeting as I focused in on her. "What do you want girl.. Jesus christ." The words were surprisingly calm, though I heard some woman gasp and utter some form of prayer at the misuse of the name of Christ. Whoops.

"I was talking to you for quite sometime and all you did was nod as though you were listening. I swear you have learned to block people out far too well... My entire thing was did you want to go out to Starbucks before we went home." The idea was pretty casual for her, usually it was about going to some grunge band's day view or something.


"Really?!" Her voice was seriously grating, why I kept her around was beyond me. Oh wait nope, it was because she loved me beyond a doubt and I was stuck with her.

"Yes really Lex, now let's hurry up you know my mom is probably gonna go insane if I am not home before sun-down." The moment we stepped out of the door however, the busy street hitting my senses a tad harder than normal. My phone rang, which never ever happened this early after school.

I calmly answered it expecting a simple worried mother but the sound of sobs of my father ceased that.

"Your grandpa died this morning of unknown causes"

She paused.

"They believed he was murdered."

Another pause caused by an intense sob.

"We have to leave soon for the funeral."


Dun dun dunnnnnn.

Well seems like the ball has started rolling already. 

I really hope you guy enjoy and also.

Your nicknames have been decided and you will be known as my blades!!!

Yippeee. Enjoy the quick update I will do them when I can. Love ya and Blade Master out!

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