||Chapter 4||

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~||Chapter 4||~

I didn't even know what to do anymore, confusion ate away at my mind as I assessed what was transpiring in front of me. I was looking at a talking necklace. I was definitely going insane, I was so consumed with grief I was making inanimate objects talk and glow some weird coloration.

'Violet, please calm yourself, this is not an illusion and quite frankly I would prefer you put me on so I can explain further. This means of communication is rather straining from a distance." The male voice once again echoed in my mind solidifying I was either insane or something truly was speaking with me from this golden blade.

Cautiously I inched forward, scooping the necklace in my palm with an almost fearful carefulness. "I am going crazy..." I swallowed then wrapped the gold chain around my neck, the yellow tint contrasting ever so slightly against my ebony skin. The moment the clip was in place my body froze, it was like I had opened a floodgate of lava. The intense heat calming slowly, the energy pulsing lightly from tip of the red gem of the blade now resting on my chest.

However, mere seconds later I found myself fading in and out before everything snapped into clarity, my eyes adjusting to every detail down to the last speck of dust. Then the voice came, a slender feline with fire coursing along its entire body sat on my somehow unscathed bed.

Then it spoke.

"Finally, I was getting cramped inside that box. I am much more comfortable roaming in this form, though I am attached to that godforsaken blade this form is adequate." The male from my head, was a cat. A freaking cat.

"Okay, cat thing. Explain what the hell is going on please. My patience is dying and I am pretty sure I need to go to a damn therapist or something." My voice was no longer frightful, simply pissed off. An emotion I usually hid, to be frank I was pretty sure I would look insane if the feline wasn't actually there.

"Yes yes. I apologize dearly, your grandfather never told you about me. My name is Clarent, I am one of the magical swords and the third to be unlocked by their handler. I had the option of choosing who I wanted, I chose you at birth Violet. You were chosen because a great force is coming and sadly, me and my brother were called to duty to protect this land once more." The cat yawned as if the damned story he was telling was a borefest for him. 

While I secretly freaked out on the inside, life wasn't a fantasy story, life was just that LIFE. "So even if I do believe this, how do I know it's real?" I paused. "How do I know this isn't some elaborate dream I made up." 

There wasn't much warning but I felt an inkling of pain as the flaming ball of fluff scratched my arm."HEY!?" I jumped away but soon realized if I had been dreaming, that would have been the keypoint to wake the heck up. Meaning, this cat, this whole ordeal. It was more real than even I'd care to admit. "I recommend you begin to pack, Violet. We must leave soon." That caught me off guard, why would I be leaving anywhere? I had a funeral but that wasn't til tomorrow. "You have to leave tonight to your grandfather's home, it's the safest place and it will be in the general area of the other swords."

"Wait, pause. Sooo where is the sword, this tiny little thing?" I grasped the small pendent, however the moment I did so, it elongated into a much more refined katana. The sword adapting obviously to my slender physique. "Uh... I guess so?" That small statement earned the smallest of chuckles from the feline before he jumped off the bed and poked at my empty suitcase in the closet.

"Pack. Leave a note for your parents if you must. But we must be going before the Gorgons get here." The tom cat paused, cursing underneath his breath confirming my guess he had not meant to say his final words. Me being me, I immediately questioned the things that were supposed to be after me. "What.. The hell... Is a gorgon Clarent?" My voice was surprisingly confident, I supposed if these things were after me I would have to fight sooner or later. The more information I knew the better, then I paused. I knew before he even said it. "Medusa, why the hell would something from greek mythology be here?"

"The Gorgon sisters were simply made famous because of the Greek Tales, they are something bred from the depths of sin and the human mind. They are not restricted by eras or by belief. They are given a task by someone and they will strive to complete it until the end of time. The swords, my kin, are recent add-ons to their list." The cat simply shook his head, his head and ears down as he almost sulked at the mere thought of me being hunted by these creatures.

"You cannot wield the blade for long, it will turn back into a necklace until you are fully trained. However, I am going to reopen the link most handlers are unknowledgeable about. I will restore your link to my element of fire Violet, that should hold any Gorgon off if you lose control of my physical form." The moment he stopped speaking, I could feel the lava again. This time it traveled through my veins, the red glow even showing through my flesh as I dropped to the ground, tears streaking my face only to cause small flames on my carpets.

My breathing evened out slowly, my heart slowing to a steady rhythm as the flames ceased their dancing in my body. The feeling afterward was that of pure ecstasy, as though I could kill a thousand men and run 10 marathons with not a single issue. The high of magic.

"Violet. Just know, the more we use the power, the more magic we release upon this world. This human world has lived without for too long for it to be returned, if it did all hell would break loose." Clarent's voice ringing through the haze. "I understand." I gave slight nod, the high vanishing the moment I let the tone of the cat's voice sink in.

That was until the sounds of screams resonated throughout my home, the cackling voice of a woman ringing through and the sound of my father guarding my mother. I had to save them now. I ran down the stairs just in time to see the putrefied bodies of my mother and father as they sat frozen in stone. I didn't even blink, rage consumed me like a tidal wave and flames poured from my fingertips. My body was on auto-pilot and the main objective was to kill this Gorgon witch. 

The woman smiled as though it was some fun little game but soon after, she stopped her body catching fire causing a curse to fall from her lips. Then she made a mistake. She gave my parents a second glance and reversed her own curse by giving them direct eye contact again.

She ran and moments later I could hear a chorus of laughter but it was obvious they wouldn't be returning with new knowledge on my abilities. My parents however, they were to stunned to even react before they enveloped me into a hug. 

I could bore you with our run-down but the main idea was, they wanted us gone now to where Clarent claimed it was safe and we were in the car within second with dad's pistol in his lap and his glock in my mothers. I doubted the Gorgons would be affected but it gave them security, the moment we were at the airport the guns were left inside the car unloaded and we were on a plane to Winter Park, Colorado. 

Unknown to us however, the Gorgon sisters were well aware of where we were going. They simply chose to sit in First Class.


So the swords a cat. The cats a dude that lives in the sword. Oh and V is a sword handler.


But, here is a little game for you all.

Pick a song.

1. "Hurt" by Christina Aguilera

2. "Heathens" by 21 Pilots

3. "Monster" by Paramore


Choose wisely my Blades.~

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