||Chapter 8||

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~||Chapter 8||~

Alec's POV

She slapped me... That little freaking witch slapped me... WHO DID SHE THINK SHE WAS?

She had no right to slap me in my own home, yet the tear stained cheeks of a smirking Morgan was evident as though I deserved it. The suddenly another jolt of pain ran through me as once again I was slapped by the usually happy girl, her anger was evident as items around the room crashed to the floor. "Alec, you are seriously fucked up. When you can get your head out of your ass call me, because that right there was beyond cruel to threaten her. She felt your pain and heard your cries, did you not think to question how?" I had to pause because I never released a sound when in pain.

"She heard me..." I didn't want to admit it but it was true, she heard something that hadn't occurred or was even possible. She had heard my silent pleas and the screams from within as her flames completely consumed my body and I heard hers. I thought it was nothing more then her uncontrolled yelling, but when I heard it, it was directly in my ear.

Morgan shook her head, I could even hear Durendal giving a slight sound of disappointment as they both flew off taking their mini tornados with them causing items to simply fall from their levitating spots.

Excalibur simply formed from the necklace, his eyes flashing as he smirked. "You don't need her boy. Stop stressing it." The sword was so cocky and cold it was annoying but I knew it was what I signed up for, I had accepted the blade and now it was mine to bear.

"Excalibur, not everything is a simple dismissal of someone. Why the hell did Clarent pick a girl this time?" My voice was clear and evidently irritated and all it did was earn a demented chuckle as the blade ignored my question and went about his own business. Leaving his ice cold nature to sink and alongside the bracelet that rested on my wrist, two clear bright sapphires flashing as though taunting me.

Violet's POV

I was angry, I was on fire, no literally I was on fire.

I stood in field of dummies I suspected had been set-up by the ice queen himself, my flames scorching the area as I channeled the heat of my anger. With a simple yet powerful scream, I exploded by flames incinerating each dummy on by one yet never spreading beyond the vicinity in which the clearing was. I could simply have a melt down and no harm could be truly done.

"Violet!!" I could hear the voice, but I didn't care I want to let it consume my entire being, this feeling of anger and power. Then the next thing I know the air from around me is being sucked way, my flames dying out as I drop down holding my throat as reality came crashing back in waves. 

Then air came back like that, the sound of feet against the ground resonating in my ears as I sat on the ground collecting what was left of myself. Why was I so damned distraught over a moron, why was I so angry?

"Violet, I am so sorry but you were going insane from the anger... You almost broke a barrier of magic no one even touched before." The sound of fear in her voice ceased everything as I stood up. "You were really scary V... " The nickname sealed the deal and before I knew it I was hugging her at the brink of tears.

My eyes welling up from pent up frustration, I hate him yet I didn't I felt his pain and it felt horrid. The ice that pierced me now was obvious his own distress. "Why the hell do I have to be connected to that asshole... That freaking prick." I knew I was being irrational but I spent my life believing in magic and now that I had it, I didn't want its consequences.

"Violet. Listen, you're connected to his swords twin Clarent. In some way this was bound to happen, however to this extent is unheard of because usually both twins pick men. Now one has chosen a girl and it appears to be having a backlash." Morgan was back to her logical bubbly self, trying to comfort me though I knew she was probably as angry as I was.

"They have never done this? We are the first generation where there swords picked different genders? IS your swords twin-" I was cut off as she spoke in an almost inaudible fashion. "Yes... She picked a man this time, I feel it in my core that she did." She was scared, she feared she would be in my situation and to be honest I didn't blame her.

I had something far beyond bad, I was in a toxic situation and god knows it would be hard to get out of. But within seconds, me and Morgan both let out screams because someone had broken the barrier without us knowing.

Three laughs. 

Three women. 

One screwed up situation.

Hello Medusa.


Hello guys,

I loved your comments so much and total shout out to the awesome person who reviewed my book for me.

@shinscritiques You're freaking amazing!!

Enjoy that cliff-hanger. :3 I enjoy the suspenseeee.

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