||Chapter 7||

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~|| Chapter 7 ||~

Unknown P.O.V.

The blade is mine.

Who would've thought it would be this easy to simply remove the blade from its older owner, the handler however, well he was dead in a corner. I smirked casually, brushing the silver locks of hair from my face. The dead corpse was so annoyingly beautiful as blood cascaded from the sides of his mouth, his once amethyst eyes a shallow, dull grey as the magic was drained from his very soul. 

"Touching what's mine got you killed fool. Now, you have paid the price and your blade has accepted me. I was stronger and now, I shall kill the rest and rule this measly world." I smiled and looked down finally at my new partner in crime. Aether was mine.

Violet P.O.V.

I woke up drenched in sweat, it felt like fire was piercing my veins but it was soon replaced with ice turning my flesh a deep purple before it ceased. The sounds of sobs echoing through the entire neighborhood, something happened and Clarent felt it far worse then I did.

Within seconds I was dressed and down the steps, my focus was getting to Morgan, she would understand this far better than myself. Clarent was in no shape to talk, the usually living blade on my chest was cold as the blade Alec wielded within his grasp. 

I was soon on their front porch, my fist aiming to bang on the door but the motion ceased when the door creaked open to tear filled eyes. The usually perky blonde looking as though storm clouds had consumed the blue skies that her eyes resembled. "Someone died, we couldn't save them.." She was still sobbing, as though she blamed herself for something that appeared out of her reach.

"What do you mean Morgan? Who the hell died and why did we feel it?" I couldn't help it, I was panicking. My voice was like a feline in distress, fear laced in every word that was pushed out with a fury.

"Come in.." Morgan ushered me in, her voice weak but she pushed forth despite the tears she held behind the dams barely containing the waterfalls.

"When one of us dies, we feel it in the pit of our souls. Our bodies severing the link we each hold to one another. We feel our element, then its opposite. I feel the wind lashing out inside me, then the crushing feeling of earth consuming me." Morgan began calmly, her voice slowly regaining strength as she closed the door. "This means earth has found his blade now though, because otherwise I would have simply felt the wind. Durendal has explained most of this to me, but Alec knows the most seeing as he has had his blade the longest."

I nodded, that explained the pain and the feeling of ice but something was different. She explained it as pure pain from the element, but during my pain I felt more than the ice. I heard cries, I suspected it was her but seeing her, she gave weak sobs, not manly screams I'd heard. The blades were silent, so that means I heard someone else cry and I think it was Alec as he felt my flames course through his veins.

"Who died...?" If it was none of the four elements, who was it? I had read about these swords but I had only knew of four who'd existed and from the sounds the earthen blade was still alive. "Aether. The blade of magic." Her voice quivered again as though this was the worst possible thing. 

"This blade controls Aether the source of most magic, if it fell into the wrong hands," She was cut short as Alec came down the stairs, glaring at me the entire way down. "It already has. You didn't feel it? We are no longer connected but it still remains. The handler was not killed by accident, when you awake magic we must expect backlash." His voice was cold and ice filled, as though this was our fault for not preventing his death.

"Alec, I don't know what the hell crawled up your arse. But go somewhere else with it, she has cried enough and she doesn't need your iceberg persona screwing it up more. I guess Clarent was right. Excalibur does find pricks to wield him, makes you wonder how King Arthur really was." I snapped, it felt as though he was targeting Morgan in some accusation and I was not putting up with it. 

I was up and in his face within second, flames were breaking from my flesh and could be seen clearly in my eyes as I pushed a finger in his chest. Ice and fire met, steam coming off the connected areas; his shirt clearly burning a hole but his actual flesh preventing any real harm. 

"You maybe a blade, but I will have no problem putting you down." Alec sneered and with that he earned a curt slap in the face. "You might be a prick but I have enough sense to know you're just a prick who is angry I saved his arse from getting turned to stone by Medusa. Don't ever threaten me, am I understood? Be happy I thought you were worth putting my life on the line without even knowing if I could help."

I turned on my heel walking towards the door. "Morgon feel guilty about nothing. You couldn't stop it, no one could have. If you want to talk I will be at home, but I don't feel like I am wanted here." With that I was out of the door, the curls of my hair the last noticeable thing.


One death confirmed.~

MWHAHAHAHA. You never even got to meet em.~

And the villain is hereeee. :3 I am a sadistic human being. Enjoy those tears and the shattering pieces of Alec and Violet.

Later Blades.~

Commentttt. :3 I love them and they make me post faster. The more you comment, regardless of if its bad or not. I will post.

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