||Chapter 3||

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~||Chapter 3||~

The train was loud, sweaty, and overall a pure nuisance I'd grown accustomed too. Even if I hadn't my mind was moving too fast for any of my senses to catch the disgusting putrid smells that littered the area. I had finally processed the fact my grandfather had died, I was now thinking on the flame I could feel sitting just beneath my skin. I could almost sense it trying to break free and consume everything around it, all the pent up emotions attempting to burst free with an intense passion and fury.

My inner consultation was quickly cut short with the movement of the train coming to a full halt, the announcement of this being the last stop causing a flurry of activity. Everyone was getting off as was I, my house was no more than few blocks and I preferred to be home now with my family to grieve.

As I slid through the mass of bodies, some actually making way for me, and giving me a look of distaste as if I was a homeless child. Then I realized something was different, their looks weren't disgust or dislike. They were caution. I had done something unknowingly, however I brushed it off remembering they could mistake me for a possible pickpocket which was common in this area.

Time seemed to stall, something was off but I pushed through the haze and broke free of the halt. Within minutes I was out on the street, I didn't have time for my mind's antics, not today of all days. My nikes made no sound against the ground, my body swiveling with ease through crowds before moving up onto the steps of my families quaint little Brownstone home. This had been in the family for generations, it was ours through and through, but it always held a sense of comfort, even the flames licking at my soul calming down.

The aura soon changed however, my mother sitting on the couch, her dreaded hair tied back as she laid holding my father who looked an absolute mess. They were both recovering from their sobs, the last remnants coming out silently without a word between them.

"Mom... Dad..." I wanted to cry but my heart refused to let it out, the flames even calming as though to let me grieve alone. However, whispers came from the burning aura in my heart. 'Be strong for them. If not yourself Violet. Be their shield when all has began to collapse in their world. You are the pillar of strength they need.'

I knew the voice was right, they had broken momentarily but I still had the strength to hold back my tears, it felt as though warm arms still sat around me. I sat beside them and without a single word from either of them, I was brought in their grieving hug.

Twenty minutes later, we began to finally talk all of the unspoken words quenching most of the pain that would forever haunt them until they felt it was time to seal the wound.

"Sweety. We knew this would happen one day, even your grandfather knew. We have been instructed to give this too dear. Grandpa sent this almost a week before his death, he knew it was coming, he knew before all of us." My father's voice was strained, as though he swallowed pine needles for a week straight.

"He left you a present, he also left a small cryptic message. We decided you would know what to do when you read it honey. It is upstairs. We will be packing to leave tomorrow night, we have to prepare for the funeral with Uncle Alan." My mother was obviously in tears still but held them back.

I enveloped them once again in a hug. "I love you both, with all of my heart... Please, please feel better you guys." With that I pecked them both on their tear-streaked face before going to my room upstairs, I wanted to take these clothes off. I wanted to go to sleep and find out this was all one giant dream, but the moment I stepped in my room and noticed the small box, I knew it wasn't. My mind, soul, heart, we knew it was reality and reality was a cruel cruel person when allowed to truly pierce the veil of the mind.

The box was so delicate, the crimson bow wrapping around it as though fire had consumed it. I paused momentarily. "Why.. Is my mind so focused on fire and flames... It's so weird.." My thoughts consumed me again and then a voice replied with more intensity and clarity than before. A male voice. "Because of me. Open the box Violet."

The room became silent, not a single living thing moving, the outside world vanishing. The only thing that was in view was the now burning energy around the box, the red glow rolling off in waves. I went to pull the ribbon separating the object and myself, and the moment the ribbon came undone, a small necklace sat in place, on the necklace. Sat a golden sword with red inscriptions along the blade. The card that came inside of it saying enough.

"Listen to the flames underneath the flesh." ~Grandpa.


Hello my blades.~

It appears grandpa knew something was going on.~

Oh shizzzz.

Lol, next chapter will be posted this weekend. Thanks to my love editor @AnguishedAlcor

Love you babe!!


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