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"Hyona ah illeona ~" 

You woke up to a sweet and husky voice. You already knew who it was by listening to his low and deep voice so you pulled the blanket over your head and continued sleeping. 

"Illeona illeona illeona ~" The guy with deep voice said cutely and shakes you gently.

*There goes his aegyo.... argh goodbye beauty sleep, see you tonight.* You thought. 

"Yah Chanyeol oppa, what are you doing here? It's only 9am and i don't even have school today!" You took a quick glance at the clock and looked at him annoyed.

"We are going t-" 

You heard noises outside your room and foot steps stomping up the stairs. 

"HYONA NOONA!!!! POGOSHIPO!!  (I miss you)" Sehun shouted across your room upon opening the door, cutting off Chanyeol's sentence. Chanyeol looked annoyed and rolled his eyes. Sehun reached out for a hug but sadly, Chanyeol held him back and covered his mouth to prevent him from shouting more mushy words early in the morning. 

"asdfghjklynvkmsv" is all you can hear now. You laughed at him.

"Nado pogoshipo Sehunnie ah." You smiled at him and ruffled his hair. Sehun removed Chanyeol's hand from his mouth and smiled back at you.

"Did you have a good sleep noona?" He asked you cutely and you nodded.

"Ehem." Luhan cleared his throat. "We're still alive, breathing in your room though." Lay said as he thought that you did not notice the rest were in your room too. Chanyeol, Sehun, Luhan, Suho, Lay and Kai are all in your room.

"Oh mianhae. Good morning oppas. So what are you all doing here? Where's the rest?" You asked them rubbing your eyes and running your fingers through your hair acting like a comb.

"I was about to tell you but Sehun came screaming into your room." He frowned a little and glanced at Sehun but he hid behind Luhan.

"The rest are in the living room, Kyungsoo is helping your mom with breakfast while Kris is on his way here. We're going to Lotte World today." Luhan continued for Chanyeol.

"JINJA?! OMO! That's great! It have been ages since i last went there. Give me 15 minutes!" You exclaimed and shoved all of them out of your room. 

Your name is Kim Hyona, turning 21 on Christmas eve. You have bright orange hair and you are very gorgeous, every girl that walks pass you envies your looks and figure. Your family consists of you, your mom and your dad. You are currently living with your mom because your dad is away on a business trip for a few months. EXO is your high school classmates. They are like your brothers and second family. Chanyeol is your best friend ever since elementary school. All of them likes you a lot, no, they don't like you as a sister, they like you as a girlfriend but you don't know that. You like all of them equally as brothers.

You took a warm and quick shower. You put on a thick knitted pullover, black skinnies and maroon dr martens. You put on some eyeliner, mascara, lip gloss and blusher. You curled your orange hair like a river of curls and packed your wallet, phone and some makeup for touch up into your small tribal cross body bag and skipped down the stairs with a smile on your face.

"Good morning umma." You greeted your mom happily as you walked into the kitchen, and back to the living room to join the rest. Minutes later, Kris arrived and the both of you greeted each other.

"Breakfast is ready!" Your mom said as she laid the last plate onto the table. 

"I'm going out to meet a old friend of mine and i won't be back for dinner. Have fun and enjoy yourselves kids! Take care!" Your mom said as she removes the apron and head for the door.

"Nae!" All of you said in sync and continued eating. Your mom and D.O cooked rainbow pancakes and baked double chocolate chips cookies which are both your favorite. After eating, you and Baekhyun washed the dishes while the rest went to the living room to watch TV while waiting for the both of you.

"Hyona ah, are you excited to go to the Amusement park later?" Baekhyun asked you. 

"Nae. I can't wait to go to the haunted house and ride the roller coaster!" You exclaimed happily like a little kid.

*She's so cute.* Baekhyun thought and smiled at you.

Both of you finished washing the dishes and went to the living room.

"Kaja! (Let's go) " You exclaimed and all of you made your way to Lotte World. You were in the same car as Chanyeol, Lay, Sehun, Xiumin, D.O and Kris as the driver while Suho, Baekhyun, Tao, Kai and Chen in the other car and Luhan as the driver. Soon, all of you reached Lotte World and you happily skipped your way to the entrance with Sehun beside you and the rest were behind, chuckling at both of your actions.


That's it for Chapter one! I hope you guys like it so far keke. Do read my other story, 'My life Saver' too! 24 more days till Christmas, 4 more days till EXO Showtime ep 2 and 8 more days till EXO's comeback OMG I'M SO EXCITED KYAAA!! Oh and i can't wait to see EXO is fluffy coats they would look so adorable in it! :3. See you in the next chapter, annyeong! ^~^

[YOU&EXO] Christmas with EXO [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now