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All of them decided to stay over at your house as they were all too tired and exhausted to go home. It wasn't their first time anyways and your mom is fine with it. She treats them like her own son.


"Hyona ah illeona ~" 

Once again, you're woken up by a deep voice. His voice is not as deep as Chanyeol's but you still know who is it. You opened your eyes and shrink a little due to the sunlight shining in. 

"Yah Kris oppa, what do you want?" You faced him as you rub your eyes feeling annoyed. You dislike people waking you up from your sleep, most lightly they'll get punch in their face if they do so. But you couldn't bring yourself to punch a good looking guy.

"It's already 10am. We're going shopping today!" Kris exclaimed excitedly. 

You widened your eyes and a smile spread across your face when you heard the word 'shopping'.

"Give me 15 minutes!" You pushed Kris out of the room and went to take a hot shower.

These guys never fail to make plans for you. You're so lucky to have a bunch of 12 good looking guys to go out with everyday and they never fail to make you smile.

You pulled your hair up into a messy bun and wore a comfy pullover, a oversized coat that goes down to your knees, jeans and brown comfy boots. You applied some light makeup and grabbed your studded cross body shoulder bag.

"Good morning guys!" You skipped your way down to the living room and found the guys watching tv on the couch. 

"Good morning Hyona ah." They greeted back.

"Good morning noona! Did you had a good sleep?" Sehun greeted you brightly. 

"Nae Sehunnie." You smiled and went to the kitchen.

"Good morning umma and good morning D.O oppa!" You greeted the both of them and they greeted back. As usual, D.O is helping your mom with breakfast. He cooks the best pancakes ever and your mom bakes the best double chocolate chip cookies ever!

When breakfast is ready, you gobbled your food down fast because you're excited to go shopping with them. 

"Annyeong umma! I'm going shopping with them today." You shouted loud enough for your mom to hear as you made your way to the door.

"Hurry up guys!" You rushed the 12 of them.

"What's with the rush Hyona ah. The mall and shops won't run away!" Xiumin teased.

"But the pretty clothes might be gone." You pushed them out of the house.


The moment you stepped into the mall, you wowed in amazement when you saw all the pretty Christmas decorations decorated around the mall. There's even a huge Christmas tree in the middle of the mall.

"Let's take a photo with that tree!" You said pointing to the huge Christmas tree and pulled them there.

"I'll help take the photo." Baekhyun volunteered.

"Ani! Everyone must be in the picture. I'll just get someone to help us take." You took out your phone and walked towards a lady nearby and asked if she could help you guys take a picture. 

"Nae no problem." She agreed.

"Hana.... dul.... set!"  *snaps*

"Kamsahamnida!" You thanked her and bowed.

"Let's start shopping now!" Tao exclaimed and pulled you towards the store which all 12 of them helped to model.

"Look! I saw my twin." Kai said while pointing to his life sized standee. He stood beside it and placed his hands over the standee's shoulder and started talking to it. All of you laughed at his silliness.

[YOU&EXO] Christmas with EXO [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now