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Soon, all of you reached Lotte World and you happily skipped your way to the entrance with Sehun beside you and the rest were behind, chuckling at both of your actions.

"Noona noona ~ I want to play the merry-go-round!" Sehun exclaimed happily. You can't help but to smile whenever he calls you 'noona' because it was so cute, sometimes it even makes you squirm. You wanted to reject him because you thought it was childish but you couldn't resist his cuteness so you nodded unknowingly. "Lulu hyung go with us too please!!" Sehun knew he would reject him so he gave him his best and cutest puppy eyes. No one could say no to those eyes. He's so cute it makes you want to squeeze him. Luhan couldn't take it so he nodded.

*Once again, i lost to Sehunnie's aegyo.* Luhan thought and left out a sigh.

Sehun happily drags you and Luhan to queue for the merry-go-round. Soon it was your turn. Sehun rode on the white horse while you hopped onto the carriage behind Sehun's horse and Sehun made Luhan ride the frog prince beside him. You chuckled and looked at Hunhan making love line. The merry-go-round started to move and Sehun started cheering. You and Luhan can't help but to smile at his cuteness again. Whatever Sehun does, it's always too cute for all of you to handle. Non can stay mad at him for a long time. The rest were waiting for you guys and all of their faces were -___- while Suho's was :D (a motherly smile? LOL) he was even snapping pictures of the three of you and Sehun's was xD and both you and Luhan's was :). 

Finally the ride finishes. 

"It was fun!! Right noona and Lulu hyung?" Both you and Luhan nodded. 

"Where shall we go next?" You asked them.

"I know. Follow me!" Baekhyun took your hand and pulled you along with him while the rest followed behind. Your eyes widened and you heart started pumping when he tighten his grip. You didn't mind since both of you are just brothers and sisters. But you didn't understand why is your heart beating so fast. 

Baekhyun stopped in front of a Haunted house. "A-a-are we g-going in t-there?" Sehun stuttered. You laughed at him because he was so cute. Basically you thought Sehun is cute at everything he does. *Damn! How can this boy be so cute at everything even when he stutters?* You thought and smiled. Baekhyun nodded and pats Sehun's back knowing he was afraid.

"N-noona can you walk in with m-me?" Sehun asked you with his puppy eyes.

"Sure Sehunnie ah." You gave him a smile and he cheered and hugged you. 

"Ehem." Kai cleared his throat, causing the both of you to break off from the hug.

"It's our turn now! Let's go in!" Baekhyun exclaimed happily and held your hands to walk in.

"Uhm sorry Baekhyun oppa but i'm walking with Sehunnie because he's afraid." You explained before Baekhyun let go of your hands. Sehun quickly hold your hands as all of you slowly walks into the dark. 

"Oh it's okay." Baekhyun smiled and saw Sehun holding onto your hands. He suddenly felt his heart in his stomach. *What's this feeling? Is this jealousy? No way! Hyona is just like my sister. Nothing more than that. You're thinking too much Baekhyun. How can you be jealous over Sehun? Haha c'mon!* Baekhyun thought and faked a smile. Baekhyun went in with Chanyeol instead. Tao with Kris, Kai with D.O, Chen with Xiumin and Lay with Luhan and Suho.

"AHHHHHH!!! NOONA EODIYA!! (Where are you)" Sehun cried and squeezed your hands as a zombie popped out and it scares him. 

"I'm here Sehunnie, i'm here right beside you it's okay, it's okay." You strokes his back.

"PANDA!! WHERE ON EARTH ARE YOU?! IT'S TOO DARK IN HERE!" Kris whispered loudly, almost shouting. 

"Uhm hyung? I'm right beside you?" Tao tapped Kris's shoulders and it startled him.

[YOU&EXO] Christmas with EXO [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now