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I'm currently running a fever and i can't really think of what to write :-( I apologize if this chapter is boring or makes no sense, my brain cells are dead lol i can't think straight. 

Sick on Christmas eve, this is da best Christmas gift eva. meh.

Enjoy! :D


It's finally your birthday today, you have no idea what the boys will be preparing for you.

"Jagiya ~ ileona ~"  

You woke up to a deep and sweet voice. You opened your eyes and found Chanyeol beside you, his arms are bent 45 degrees with his head resting on this hand.

"Happy birthday, jagiya ~ " He smiled at you and pulled you into his chest, planting kisses all over you.

"Gomawo oppa." You still sound sleepy and he found it cute.

"Go wash up, i'll bring you out today." He kissed your temple and got off the bed.

"Nae oppa." You smiled and went to take a shower.

Chanyeol's P.O.V

While Hyona is taking a shower, i quickly ran to the living room and gather the boys to tell them my plan.

"What's your plan, Chanyeol ah?" Baekhyun asked. Yeap, our cold war have ended and we have apologized to each other.

"I'll take her out later so you guys can prepare the party. Dyo, Xiumin hyung and Luhan hyung prepare the food while the rest of you put up the decorations. Baekhyun ah, i'll put you in charge of them." I told each of them their roles and what to do.

"Nae." They all chorused. 

"What time will you be back?" Dyo umma asked.

"Probably in the evening. I'll  text one of you when i'm near the house." 

"Oppa where are we going?" Hyona asked as we walked out of the house.

"You'll know when we get there." I smirked.

I flagged for a cab and showed the driver the address on a piece of paper. He nodded and drove to the destination.

"Can you give me a hint pleaseee ~ " She begged with her puppy eyes. Damn this girl and her aegyo.

"It's a place where mostly couple goes." She made a oh-i-see face though i know she's still clueless about the place.

That's right, i'm bringing her to Namsan Tower.

When we were near the place, i blind folded her eyes.

I helped her get off the cab and slowly guided her up the tower.

"Are we there yet?" She kept pestering me every 1 minute.

"For the last time jagiya, no." 

"You can open your eyes when i count to 3." I said as i remove the blind fold.

"Hana......" I started counting.

"Dul.... set." And she opened her eyes.

She wowed as she saw the breathtaking view up here in the tower.

"Is this place Namsan Tower?" She asked as her eyes still scanning the beautiful scenery.

"Nae. I promised my mom i'd bring someone special to me here one day."

Before my mom passed on, she told me to bring my future girlfriend to Namsan tower and i promised her. Now that Hyona is my girlfriend, i've brought her here.

[YOU&EXO] Christmas with EXO [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now