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You woke up to the sound of birds chirping.

It was a cold and snowy yet beautiful morning. 

The outside world is quiet and peaceful, not the usual noisy street where cars are honking and people are shouting.

Trees and roadsides are all covered in snow.

Little children are playing in the snow, making their first snowman and playing snowball fight.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS NOONA!!" Sehun flung open the door and rushed over to hug you. He is like a little puppy wanting to cuddle. 

"Merry Christmas Sehunnie ah ~ " You returned the hug.


You shift your eyes to the door and you saw Chanyeol standing there, leaning against the frame of the door.

"Oppa ~ " You broke off from the hug and ran towards Chanyeol and hugged him.

"Merry Christmas oppa ~ " 

"Merry Christmas jagiya ~ " 

Both of you were acting all lovey dovey that you forgot a little puppy is still in the room.

"Hyung why must you always ruin my moment with noona?!" Sehun pouted.

"Because she's mine." Chanyeol stuck out his tongue. Oh what a kid.

"I'm outta here." Sehun massaged his temple and walked out of the room. 

"Go wash up, Dyo is almost done with breakfast." Chanyeol kissed your temple and walked out of the room. 

You took a warm shower and went to the dinning room for breakfast.

"Good morning and Merry Christmas oppas!" You greeted brightly.

"Good morning and Merry Christmas to you too Hyona ah." They greeted back.

After breakfast, you walked around the living room to look at the decorations hung up by the boys last night right after your birthday celebration.

There was a vine of letters which says 'MERRY CHRISTMAS' hung up right above the couch on the wall, Christmas stockings hung by the window and a medium sized Christmas tree by the corner with presents underneath the tree.

"Where will we be going today?" Sehun asked.

"I heard that there will be a Christmas performance at the mall today." Chanyeol said while smirking at the boys.


Chanyeol's P.O.V

"Since Hyona will be at the hospital with Sehun today, let's use this time to plan for Christmas." I said.

"How about throwing a surprise party for her?" Lay suggested.

"Nah we'll be throwing a surprise party for her birthday so let's do something different for Christmas." I've already had a plan on surprising her on her birthday. 

"How about performing?" Suho suggested.

"That's.... that's a pretty good idea. What do you guys think?" I asked the rest.

"It's a great idea. Let's perform." The rest of them agreed.

Christmas is just around the corner and we have been practising really hard in order to not disappoint Hyona.

End of P.O.V

-End of flashback-

"Sure, let's go to the mall today but i have to visit my mom first." You said.

[YOU&EXO] Christmas with EXO [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now