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She was involved in a car accident

She was involved in a car accident

She was involved in a car accident

This sentence kept repeating in your head. You felt your tears coming out. Breathing became hard.

Chanyeol's P.O.V

We decided to order pizza and fried chicken for dinner since D.O is lazy to cook and we doubt Hyona's mom will be back for dinner.

About 20 minutes later, the pizza and fried chicken finally arrived. We ordered 10 boxes of pizza and 4 boxes of fried chicken - well it's nothing to us since we all have pretty big appetite keke.

Kai ate like 2 boxes of fried chicken and 1 whole box of pizza by himself. Wow is he a dinosaur or something?

"Hyona ah dinner is here!" I shouted loud enough for her to hear.

10 minutes has passed but she still hasn't come down.

"Yah Hyona ah!" I shouted again but there was no reply.

"Maybe she's asleep or something, i'll check." Baekhyun said getting up from his seat.

"No stay here, i'll get her." I insisted to go instead.

I knocked on her door. "Hyona?" but there's no reply. I leaned my ears on her door and i heard sobbing noises.

*Is she crying?*

"Yah Hyona ah open the door." I started getting worried. I tried turning the door knob but it was locked.

I rushed down to get the spare keys for her room on the shelves right next to the TV and rushed back up to her room.

I opened the door and found her sitting on the floor next to the bed, hugging her legs and burrying her face into it. She was sobbing, really hard.

I went next to her and pulled her into a tight hug. I placed her head on my chest and pat her back as she cries into my chest.

"Everything is alright. I'm here. Baby don't cry, tonight." I whispered as i stroke her hair.

She pulled out from the hug and looked at me. Sadness was written all over her face. Her eyes were puffy and red, it seemed like she have been crying for hours.

"What happened, Hyona ah?" I asked her as i cupped her cheeks and wipe her tears with my thumb.

"M-my u-umma..... s-she's in t-the h-hospital....." She stuttered.

"She got into an a-accident." She continued. My eyes immediately widened.

"B-bo?! Let's hurry to the hospital now." I said as i grabbed her hands and went down the stairs.

(A/N: Yes, i know usually people would rush to the hospital immediately and not sit in their rooms and cry but i just
wanted to be different okay LOL.)

"Oh noona you're finally here, let's eat. Wait why are your eyes red? HAVE YOU BEEN CRYING?! HYUNG WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?!!" Sehun shouted.

"Yah Sehun ah! Hyona's mom is in the hospital now let's go. QUICKLY!!" I said in a serious tone. All of them dropped their food and quickly went to their respective cars.

"Stay right there chicken, i'll be back for you." Kai said as he quickly close the door.

"Yah Jongin ah no time for chicken, human is much more important let's go!" Chen said pulling Kai into the car.

"Don't worry Hyona ah, trust me everything is going to be fine." I assured her with a smile and stroked her hair.

*Please let nothing happen, please.* I closed my eyes and prayed. Hyona's mom is like my mom, i treat her as my birth mom since she had been looking after me ever since my parents passed away.


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