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*Please let nothing happen, please.* I closed my eyes and prayed. Hyona's mom is like my mom, i treat her as my birth mom since she had been looking after me ever since my parents passed away.

Hyona immediately broke down in tears when she saw her mom lying on the bed in the ward. Wires are attached into her arms connected to a IV pole , her head is bandaged, her right leg is in a cast and she's wearing a oxygen mask. Since the ward is small, we broke into groups to visit omoni. Me, Hyona, Xiumin, Kai and D.O then Baekhyun, Chen, Tao, Suho, Kris and Luhan, Sehun and Lay afterwards.

"U-umma..... " Hyona held her mom's hand, stroking the back of her hand with her thumb. 

"i-ileona ju-juseyo....." She was sobbing in between words, her voice was shaking.

I went towards her and stroked her back. "Everything is going to be alright, Hyona ah." I felt a tear escape from my eyes, i immediately wiped it away. It hurts seeing her mom being in this state. But it hurts even more seeing the girl i love, cry. Yes i love Hyona. Not love as in best friends, but i love her as a special girl in my eyes. I don't know how, i don't know why, but i developed feelings for her. I guess it's not the right time to tell her right now especially in this situation. But i have to tell her before Baekhyun do so, i know he likes her too. I'm willing to sacrifice myself for her, i have to win her heart.

End of P.O.V

Seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, hours became days, days became weeks. You'll visit your mom whenever you're free, you'll try your best to visit her everyday. Your 12 good friends have been taking turns to accompany you everyday especially Chanyeol and Baekhyun, they will even fight to accompany you to the hospital. 

"Yah knock it off both of you!" You shouted at the both of them in frustration. Once again, they're fighting over who will be accompanying you today.

"Mianhae Hyona ah." Chanyeol apologized, rolling his eyes at Baekhyun.

"Can i go with you today, Hyona ah?" Baekhyun pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Andwae! I want to go with you Hyona ah! Let me accompany you today pleaseeeeeee!" Chanyeol pushed Baekhyun away.

"Uhm...." You thought deeply, shifting gazes at the both of them.

"Noona noona!" You shifted your gaze to Sehun, skipping towards you in excitement. *Awww he's so adorable ;u;*  You thought, smiling to yourself.

"Can i go with you? Please please please jeballlll!!" Sehun pouted with puppy eyes. You can't help but to agree. Today's companion: Cutie Sehunnie.

"I'm going with Sehunnie today, mianhae oppas." You apologized to Chanyeol and Baekhyun and walked out of the house with Sehun following behind.

"I won!" Sehun mouthed at Chanyeol and Baekhyun, sticking out his tongue.

"Aishhhhh jinja! That kid is always so lucky!" Baekhyun complained, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Hyona noona, can i ask you something?" Sehun turned towards you, walking backwards.

"Nae Sehunnie." 

"Do you like Chanyeol hyung or Baekhyun hyung?" Sehun asked tilting his head.

"Well, i like both of them. Wae?" 

"Aniya, i mean do you like them as in a boyfriend? Like any special feelings towards them?" 

"B-b-bo?!" Your eyes are like the size of D.O's now.

You froze for a few seconds. I mean do you like them as in a boyfriend? Like any special feelings towards them? The question kept repeating in your mind. 

"Hello, earth to Hyona noona." Sehun snapped you back to reality.

"Uhm w-well, of course not Sehunnie ah! I-i like them as my close friends only, n-nothing more than that." You lied. You know you have feelings for them, your heart beats fast whenever you're out with Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Your heart is confused, you don't know who you really like. Baekhyun or Chanyeol? You ruffled your hair in frustration and speed up your pace.

"Yah noona slow down!" Sehun caught up.

"Oh mianhae Sehunnie. I-i just feel kind of frustrated."

"Wae noona? Is something bothering you?"

"A-aniya. Never mind, let's go in." You pushed the door of the ward and walked in.

"Umma i'm here to visit you again. I'm with Sehunnie today." You held her hands once again.

"Annyeonghaseyo omoni, i'm here to visit you with Hyona noona." Sehun greeted your mom and sat beside you.

"Umma when can you wake up? I have so much stuff to tell you. You have been sleeping for the past 2 weeks already. It's time for you to wake up, ileona juseyo." A tear escaped your eyes, followed by another and another. You begin crying.

Sehun stroked your back and pulled you close to him. "Uljimah, noona ah." 

"Andwaeyo, it's my turn to cry

naega halgeyo 

geudaeui nunmul moa

it's my turn to cry

naege matgyeoyo

geu nunmul kkaji, this time

this time yeah."

[No, it's my turn to cry

i'll cry now

i'll take all of your tears 

it's my turn to cry

give them to me

even those tears, this time

this time yeah.]

(My turn to cry - EXO)

Sehun sang to you as he pats your back. His deep voice and that lovely melody seems to made you feel better. You stopped crying and faced him, "Gomawo, Sehunnie ah. You never fail to make me smile." You smiled.

"I'll do anything to make you feel better, noona ah." He cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears with his thumbs, he then hugged you. You returned the hug and broke off after a few minutes.

"Umma, Christmas is coming. Please wake up, i want to celebrate Christmas with you and the boys. I want to eat the delicious food you and Kyungsoo oppa always cook during Christmas." You chuckled softly. 

"I'll visit you again tomorrow, annyeong umma. Palli ileona, arraso?" You pecked her forehead and left the room.

"Annyeong eomoni." Sehun bowed and followed behind you.


[YOU&EXO] Christmas with EXO [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now