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Chanyeol's P.O.V

Finally it's Christmas eve tomorrow. It's also Hyona's birthday and i'm simply too excited to celebrate it for her with the boys! What's more, it'll be Christmas the day after!

The boys and I have been taking turns to visit Hyona's mom daily. The doctor said omoni's condition is getting better and better and she could wake up anytime. Her dad is such a jerk, not giving a shit about omoni in the hospital. We all decided to move in and stay with her so she wouldn't feel lonely since her house is rather huge and has 5 extra rooms.

Baekhyun and I have been having cold wars lately. Well basically, both of us confessed that we like Hyona and she chose me. Yes, we're together right now and this is probably the best advance Christmas gift ever! But still, i feel sorry for Baekhyun......


Italic - Hyona's thoughts

Today is my turn to accompany Hyona to the hospital.

"Hyona ah, can i ask you a question?" 

"Nae oppa?" She replied while looking at the screen of her phone and fingers moving hastily.

"Uhm.... I ah.... uhm..." 

"C'mon just spill the beans!" She slid her phone into her bag while frowning. Wow, this girl sure gets annoyed easily.

"Uhm... what will you do if your best friend since childhood confessed that he likes you?" I asked shyly while scratching the back of my head.

"Wae? You like me?" She joked. *Is he gonna confess or something? Why am i feeling so nervous aish!!*

*Nae, i do like you, pabo.*

" Aniya, i'm just asking. So what will you do?"  She immediately turned gloomy.

*Oh, so he doesn't. But why does my heart feels like it just sank?*

*Aish Chanyeol can't you just man up and tell her you like her?!* My inner self yelled.

*Can't you see i'm trying?! Just shut up!*

"Hmm.. if i like him too i'll confess too and if i don't, i'll tell him i don't feel the same way as him and it'll be better if we remain as best friends." She said after thinking for awhile.

*So if i confess to her and she doesn't feel the same way, our friendship won't end! But.... it'd be awkward as shit.*

"Why ask?" She continued.

"Aniyo, i'm just uh i'm just curious, yeah curious. I'm so curious yeah ~" I unknowingly sang SHINee's Sherlock. And it was in a awkward tone which caused her to frown and shake her head.

*He's acting strangely. Yap, he is.*

-At the hospital-

"Umma, i'm with Chanyeolie oppa today." Hyona said while sitting down next to the bed.

"Annyeonghaseyo omoni." I greeted and sat next to her.

"Today was great. I went to the mall with the boys earlier this morning........" Hyona told her mom her life cycle everyday without fail. It made me smile because she no longer cries over her mom. 

Hyona is a strong and bright girl. The way she smiles makes me fall deeply for her. Even though she's sad, she always carries a smile on her face. I'm so proud to have her as my best friend.

We were out to a nearby restaurant to grab dinner. I was walking next to her when suddenly her hand brushed against mine. I blushed unknowingly. Her icy cold hands gave me the temptation to hold her hands.

[YOU&EXO] Christmas with EXO [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now