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Hey hey readers! I decided to end this fanfic at chapter 10! :D. This chapter will be about Baekhyun's confession and the next will be about Chanyeol's confession which both chapters will be written in a day! 

This chapter is supposed to be both Baekhyun and Chanyeol's confession but it was too long so i broke it into 2 chapters.

Baekhyun's P.O.V

It's Christmas eve tomorrow. And most importantly, it's Hyona's birthday. I wish i could shower her with hugs and kisses on her birthday. I wish i could put on a necklace for her while inhaling the fragrance of her hair. I wish i could cuddle her to sleep and she'll be the first person i see in the morning. I wish i was the one she loves, not Chanyeol. 


It was finally my turn to accompany Hyona to the hospital. And today will be the day i'll make a confession to her. I have to tell her i like her before Chanyeol do so. I must win her heart, i have to.

"Wanna grab some drinks at the cafe nearby? I heard their  frappuccino is daebak." 

"Jinja? Kaja!" She said excitedly and jumped up and down like a kid. She's so cute.

"What do you want to drink? My treat." I asked her while glancing at the menu.

"I'll drink what you drink then." She said smiling and walked over to the round table near the counter.

"Two double chocolate frappuccino with extra whipped cream please." I ordered and collected the drinks after a few minutes.

I walked towards the table with a orange hair girl seated patiently waiting for her drinks.

"Gomawo oppa!" She said happily and sipped on the frappuccino.

"It's really daebak!" She gave two thumbs up. Her little actions makes my heart scream and fall deeper for her.

*Time for you to confess, Baekhyun ah.* My inner voice ordered me.

"Uhm Hyona ah." I listened to my inner voice.

"Nae oppa?" She answered while an innocent look.

Did i mention that she looks like an angel? Because she's so beautiful and adorable!

"I have a confession to make." 

"Go on." She allowed me to continue.

"Please don't freak out. I-i i like you."  I . did . it. 

"B-bo?! Knock it off oppa." She giggled thinking it was a joke.

So she thought my love for her was a joke? Ouch, my heart hurts.

"I really like you." Her eyes widened. She must have thought my confession is real this time as she noticed the seriousness of my tone.

"I-i.... i'm sorry oppa but i don't feel the same. Naega neomu mianhae." My heart immediately sank.

Then who does she like? Chanyeol? Tsk.

"Oh... Do you like Chanyeol?" I stirred my frappuccino, trying to avoid her eyes. My eyes are clearly written that i was disappointed. Sad. Heartbroken.

"N-nae." She replied without hesitant. So she likes him huh? Well done Chanyeol, you're the one that won her heart.

My eyes became teary. I don't want her to see me cry. But it hurts to be rejected by a girl whom i love so much. Nae shimjang neomu apa (My heart hurts so much, something like that lol).

"Oh. I've got something on, got to go." I left the cafe without finishing my frappuccino. 

Obviously i lied. I was free the whole afternoon and i just wanted sometime with her. But i don't want to cry in front of her so i had to make an excuse.

-End of flashback-

Do you know what it feels like, to be rejected by someone whom you love and treasure so much? Yeap, it's like hammering your heart. M heart literally broke into many pieces and  it will take forever to mend it back. Maybe it'll go back to normal immediately if Hyona changes her mind and likes me back. Nah, fat hope Baekhyun, fat hope.

End of P.O.V

You were confused at that moment. You wonder why your heart stops beating fast and stop having butterflies in your stomach when you're with Baekhyun. 

It was completely different weeks ago. Whenever Baekhyun is with you, you felt your heart racing and a swarm of butterflies in your tummy.

You wondered why did you said 'yes' without hesitant when Baekhyun asked you if you like Chanyeol. 

And you wondered why are you beginning to have butterflies in your tummy when you're with Chanyeol, not Baekhyun.

You heart is playing with your feelings. One moment you're in love with Baekhyun, the other moment you're in love with Chanyeol. 

You hope your heart would stop giving you mixed signals. You hope Chanyeol would be the last you'd fall in love with.

You are terribly sorry to hurt Baekhyun's heart. You know what it feels like to be rejected, it's not a good feeling after all. 


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