Chapter 22

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I run through the streets of Brooklyn, heading for the Insitute. I remember the way easily, and I’m thankful for that. As I turn a corner I see the Insitute in sight. I speed up, and run straight into somebody.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” I exclaim

“That’s okay.” The woman says.

“Well, I’m such a klutz.” I apologise and the woman laughs.

And I know that laugh. That tinkly laugh that sounds like bells. That laugh that belongs to…

“Camille Belcourt.” I gasp, jumping back.

She pulls out a long, dark blade and I scream.

“HELP! JACE! TOBIAS! ANYONE!” I yell, my voice high and scared

Then Camille moves, with the swiftness of a bird and I feel the sword enter my stomach. I choke and drop to my knees before falling forwards onto the hard sidewalk. The cement grazes my cheek and I cough, blood trickling from my mouth onto the ground. As my vision fades to black I hear Camille’s laugh once more, as her heels click on the ground. As she walks away.

Leaving me to die.

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