Losing Battle

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Hello, another update. Honestly I don't like how this chapter came out. But maybe you'll like, or hate. Either way I hope to see a comment. Thanks to all who's kept with the story and is willing to continue to the next chap. 

Yuki POV

The snow break was nice, and honestly I had planned on not coming back after the drama that went on with my last visit to this school, but here I was back in the same classroom where everything started, all thanks to the boy who sat at the back of the class, still giving me daggers.

Hands shaking I took my normal seat next to Sarah who was reading a Harry Potter book. She didn't bother looking at me or giving me any notes, as of yet anyway.

Mr. William walked into the classroom with a pile of papers in his arms, he slapped them on his desk just as the bell sounded. "Welcome back." He greeted while walking around his desk and taking a seat facing the class. No one replied, and he carried on anyway. "So we had a a little break, but now that we're all back and healthy I assume, we can get back on schedule with our test on the book we've read a few weeks ago."

Groans where heard and Mr. William smirked as he pulled his laptop out of his bag and setting it on the desk. "But first let's take attendance."

He went over names, and only two kids where missing, after that he called on Mike to pass out papers. Mike stood and I turned to look as he passed Sarah, it was the same boy who I ended up biting.

He took the papers and passed them out, when he got to me he purposely bumped into my desk and dropped my paper on the floor out of my reach. "Oops." He mumbled but carried on down the roll.

Biting my lip, I bent down stretching out my arm to get the paper, but before I could get it another hand grabbed it pulling it away from my reach. I looked up at Sarah as she placed the paper on my desk along with a folded up piece of paper.

I turned away and unfolded the paper, excepting something about us meeting up again, but instead it read, "I found out, sorry."

I looked away from the note and back to her, she ignored my stare and kept to her book.

Bending down I unzipped my bag and took out a pencil and wrote my reply. "What are you talking about?"

Folding the note back up I passed it back over to her desk. She waited for a second before reaching for it. Her eyes narrowed on me before she begun a reply, then sent it back.

"About what really happened with Mike and you."

I wrote back, "How would you know that?" I sent it back.

A second later it was back on my desk.

"Someone told me they where there when it all happened. I didn't know he was like that..again I'm sorry for being mean to you. You where just defending yourself. Right?"

"Okay, now that everyone has there papers where going to begin. Yuki, if you'd like you may read since you weren't here when we read the book, but if you have read the book then feel free to join in."

"Okay. Thank you sir." I replied before going for my bag and looking for a book, I forgot to bring one. Sighing I went back to the note.

"Yeah, he attacked me in the hall. I bit him and I guess he decided to make a rumor that I attacked him with a knife for no reason. But yeah, I didn't mean to hurt him or anyone else."

I slipped the note back and almost immediately it was sent back on my desk along with her Harry Potter book. "Well, I don't like bullies, I like him but idk..but hey, hope you can forgive me. Maybe be friends? Oh and hope you like Harry Potter, it's my baby...you can read it during the class if you don't have a book..actually if you haven't read it and like it just keep it until tomorrow."

Don't bully me (BXB) (DISCONTINUED) (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now