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A/N I've written this story before, but in Dutch. And in that version I have some mails together in one chapter. But in this version I have every chapter one mail(and because I named the original version of this chapter Daniël, instead of Claire, while it's written from her point of view). So thats why I have 2 chapters from Claire. I couldn't change it... Enjoy!! A/N

There she was, her cheeks wet of the tears that were dripping into her tea, the window wet of the rain that hit against the outside of it and the glass of her glasses fogged by the steam of the tea in her hands.

She stared out into the rain. In her ears she stopped her earphones, so she could listen to some music.

At the moment, she listened too the beatiful voice of Shawn Mendes with This Is What It Takes. She thought he was really amazing, she was addicted to his songs and in love with his voice.

Her phone, lying in her lap, began to shake and in her ears she heard short beaps. She looked disturbed on her phone and saw an unfamiliar number on the screen.

Immediately shot his name through her mind, but it could be anyone...

So she took it quickly.

(A/N "Daniël " 'Claire')

'With Claire'

"Hey, it's Daniël. You wanted me to call you?"

His voice sounded exactly like she dreamed (not that she dreamed of him. Or his voice. It was more seen metaphorically...). She spontaneously got a smile on her face, straight through her tears.

'Thank you, Daniël...' she whispered. She felt more tears on her cheeks and wiped them away with her free hand.

"Are... Are you crying now, Claire?" he asked, he sounded worried.

Instantly new tears were streaming down her cheeks and she could barely suppress a sob.

"What's going on, Claire?"

'I... the reason that I'm living with my grandma... the reason is that... that I...' she stuttered. Through her tears, she hardly came out of her words.

"Calm down, Claire. Take a deep breath and think about what you want to say. I've got the time." 

A/N As I promissed in the last chapter, here is also the next one. Hope you still like it! It's a little dramatic now, but it will get better, and there will be a plot twist too!!

Please like this chapter, and tell me what you think in the comments bellow. (if you only have read this chapter, please go back to the Claire chapter before this one! thank you verry verry much!) A/N

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