Chapter 13

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Kyle POV:

I woke up at six in the morning.

Janna was soundly sleeping next to me, we were both exhausted and immediately passed out, well after Janna made me eat something. That was about ten hours ago and now I'm wide awake.

I was thinking about waking her up, but decided to leave her given the fact she's been on a plane then straight to the hospital.

I wouldn't be getting anymore rest, that I knew, so I decided to get ready for the day. This idea led me to the shower then to the kitchen for a cup of morning coffee.

"Babe? What are you doing up so early?" Janna wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head against my back.

I shrugged, "Couldn't sleep." I turned to face her, "Want some coffee?"

She smiled, "Sure."

I poured another cup and she led me out on the balcony. It was chilly, especially with my wet hair, but it didn't bother me. I've missed calm, Janna seems to bring it with her.

"We should see Dan again today."

I nodded. As selfish as it might sound, I'd rather not go to the hospital today.

"Unless you don't want to?" She hesitated.

"No, no, we should, right?"

"Hon. It's been a hard couple days, weeks actually, I think it would be okay if you took a day." She reassured.

She was right. It's been stressful these last few weeks, I should get a break every once in a while, right?

"Come on," She spoke up "let's go back to bed, I can still see bags under your eyes." She joked, gently shoving me back to the bed.

Yeah, it's good that I take a day.


Dan's POV:

Pain is what I woke up to.

So much pain.

I could feel my head pulsing. Light was shining into my eyes. Beeping was constantly going off, faster and faster the more I came to.

I've probably felt worse pain before, but at this moment this was a living hell.

The night shift nurses came into my room, worried looks on their faces. One of them, the youngest around twenty five or so, checked one of the monitors, while the other one, an older lady I think in her fifty's, came up to me.

"Sir, you need to calm down or we'll have to sedate you." I didn't realize tears were running down my face until she said that.

"...'urts..." I moaned.

"Yes, I know sweetie, we're giving you something to numb the pain, you'll feel better soon."

I nod, but pain shoots through my skull that makes me cry out again.

"Shh, shh, shh, try not to move for a minute."

"Should we get the doc?" The youngest asked.

The older lady nodded, "Yeah, I think that'd be best."

It hurts so much.

"Mr. Smith?" A voice called out. I looked to my right and a man in a suit with a lab coat on was standing next to the bed. He looked like the classic doctor type with thick glasses perched on his nose and graying hair.

"You're head is hurting?" It was more of a statement then a question.

"Y-...yeah.." I gritted through my teeth.

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