Chapter 7

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Dan's POV:

My leg was bouncing up and down the whole ride to the venue.

All of us were downstairs in the bus, mostly joking around. I haven't said much all day, since last night being out in the cold for hours and my mum lecturing me about how I "need to tell people where I am" or "I have to answer my phone at all times" and lastly "take care of myself, I can't be loosing anymore weight and be getting drunk all the time". How much my mother really knows is beyond me.

"Dan, quit it, it'll be fine." Woody said stopping my knee from bouncing.

I nodded, but still didn't ease my nervousness. I haven't felt this was since when we first started playing gigs as a band. I could feel sweat forming on my brow as we get closer and closer to the venue. I quickly wiped my forehead. Why am I freaking out so much? I've done this thousands of times, what's changed?

We were really close to the venue now and I noticed my breathing quickened. Come on, Dan. You need to calm down, this is ridiculous.

"Okay boys. Our sound check is going to be quick, no goofing off," Dick looked directly at Kyle and Will who nudged each other, stifling their laughs. Woody just rolled his eyes and looked back at him. "We'll bring you some food after and you're on exactly at eight."

Kyle interrupted him while raising his hand. "Why eight? That seems a bit early if you ask me."

Dick sighed, "Because that was the only time they could get us in. Since you guys didn't play yesterday, they had to tweak the schedule."

I could tell Dick was annoyed. I guess I would be too if I had to deal with a guy like me.

"Hey look!" Kyle pointed out the window.

The line was crazy long and we still had three hours until we were on! It seemed it went on forever. The bus pulled into the gate while a bunch of fans tried to get past the guards to I guess touch the bus? I don't know, seemed weird to me.

The buses doors opened and we were finally allowed to get off. I felt so cramped in there.

"Soundcheck time." Will grinned. He put his hand on my shoulder and led us towards the venue.


Dick wasn't kidding when he said we would have a quick soundcheck. We rushed through in about fifteen minutes before we had to go backstage. Some local band were going to open for us called "Magic Magic.". They were a pop/grungy band I think. That's what I've been told at least. They were doing soundcheck now as the fans rolled in.

Dick brought us pizza which was really good. Will complained jokingly saying "We're a famous band! We can't eat this, we need gourmet food up in here!" Dick laughed at his antics and told us we would be on in a hour and a half.

I snuck some wine into a black water bottle and took a swig. I know it's wrong and I shouldn't, b-but I can't do this gig without it.

A lot of people think we are frantically running around trying to get everything ready, well I am towards the end, but this is usually the most relaxing time in our day.

"So, you guys want to play would you rather?" Leave it up to Kyle to bring up a ridiculous game like that, but none the less we all agreed.

"Okay, I'll go first." Will said, "Kyle would you rather get a pain in your side every time someone said your name or have a bell ring every time you're aroused?"

"Oooh, let's see." He gave a thoughtful glance towards the ceiling. "Would have to say the bell, I'm not a fan of pain."

"Are you kidding?! The bell would ring constantly with you!" Woody interjected making us all laugh.

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