10: Train hard

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"Baby wake up it's time to get ready for training." Jordan whispered in my ear,I opened my eyes to look at the handsome face of my mate my jordan. "Good morning sleeping beauty" "good morning,I'll get ready for training" saying that I stood from the bed and went towards the bathroom to finish my morning routine,after taking a shower I pat myself dry and wear a black sports bra and black shorts and tied my hair in a high ponytail and came out of the bathroom. Jordan was siiting on the bed and doing something on his phone,when he sensed that I was near he look towards me and stood from the bed and came near me and kissed me good morning. He looked towards me and asked "Let's go now?" I just nodded. We went down and saw Lucy and Jake were eating breakfast they said good morning,Jordan took a plate and filled it with 4 sandwiches and fruits and two glasses of juice and took his seat and pulled me onto his lap. "Looks like someone can't get enough of his mate" Lucy teased Jordan and he just shook his head and I as usual blushed.

After finishing breakfast Jake went to train the other warriors and Lucy,Jordan and I went out towards the garden to start my training. "Ok look let's start with some warm up",Jordan said and show me some warm ups. "Lets  do it like this,me and Lucy will fight and you have to play with oir minds,imagine I am from blood moon pack and I am attacking Lucy so you try to remove me from Lucy. Ok?" I nodded in understanding. Lucy and jordan began encircling each other and both were in fighting stance,then Lucy threw the first punch and jordan easily ducked the Jordan threw a punch and it hit Lucy in stomach she moved few feets back due to the force of the punch but handled well. Then again jordan moved forward to hit her but I changed his mind to turn back and move and he did that. It continued for few minutes Jordan ordered to stop,"you ok Lucy?" Jordan asked her and she said yes then he asked me and I also nodded. "Now we will do the same thing but this time you will stop me by using the tree branches,use them however you want to use ok?" Then they again started fighting after delivering few punches to each other I started concentrating and moved the branches and moved them so that they could tie Jordan's hand and can pull him back. It happened and Jordan stopped,both of them were panting then I removed the branches and again Jordan was free. They both drank water and Jordan started to say something but cut off in mid by Theo,one of the guards "alpha luna,Derek of blood moon pack has arrived and is sitting in the drawing room." Jordan dismissed him with a nod. Before he could say anything I ran inside and Lucy and Jordan also ran with me. "Derek?" I shouted as I reached inside and saw him sitting on the sofa,as he heard me he stood up and came towards me and engulfed me in a hug,"Stace!my little Stace,oh god how much I missed you!" He was hugging me but suddenly I am pulled from his chest and my back slammed to a hard chest "MINE!" Jordan growled. "Ya ya I know but before being your mate she is my baby sister you can't pull her away from me!" Derek also shouted,but Jordan was still holding me and his whole body was shaking with anger I turned towards him and stood on my toes and kissed him and said him in mind link "calm down,I am yours he is only my brother,he won't take me away from you,calm down" I was saying him and rubbing his chest slowly so that he calm down.

After sometime he calmed down and released me from his tight hold but was still holding me by waist. "Listen Jordan you may be the most strongest alpha but remember alpha or not if you break my sister's heart I will break each and every bone in your body,I may have failed as a big brother before when I couldn't protect Stace from dad but-" before Derek could finish the sentence I hugged him,"who said you failed as a brother? You always tried to protect me even if dad punished you,you were still there for me,so don't you dare to say that you failed as a brother!"

"Ok ok enough with the emotional drama,now let's discuss what I came to discuss here", Derek said and looked towards Jordan. "Let's go to my office,Jake and Lucy you also come with us,baby let's go",with that he held my hand and took me with him. We all went to his office,Jordan sat on his chair and pulled me onto his lap and gestured Derek,Jake and Lucy to take their seat,Jake also pulled Lucy onto his lap. "Ah if my mate would have been here"Derek murmured. I felt bad for him and asked him "Have you found your mate yet?" "No Stace! I am not so lucky yet" he replied with a sigh,"don't worry you'll find her,have patience!" I encouraged him and smiled.

"Now listen guys,that Monami of your pack came to our pack on that day when you disowned her and when dad came to know about her he asked her what's her motive behind coming here so she said that she wants to help him by giving him all the details of her previous pack i.e. your pack and she told each and every details of your plan from the map of the land to the patrol duty routines and each and everything"Jordan was listening to all the things that Derek was saying and at last he asked "so what's the plan now?"

After discussing everything we came out of the meeting room it was dinner time,"Stace I have to go now" "what? You are not going anywhere at least not now,please stay for the night! Jordan,say him to stay for the night." "Yes Derek stay,stay for Stacey!" Jordan ordered him in his alpha voice. Derek sighed "ok I'll stay,now where's the food I am hungry,Stace you won't give your brother food?" He asked playfully. During dinner we discussed everything and talked about anything,I told him about my powers to which he said that he is proud of me. Suddenly Derek stiffened and started sniffing his eyes became dark and he started looking towards the door,we also look towards the door and the door opened and Illaria,Jake's sister came in with some other girls of the pack and Derek stood from his chair and went towards her,Illaria also stiffened and looked towards Derek.

"Mine" both Derek and Illaria said at the same time,Derek hugged her and they both started kissing. Wow my big bro got his mate, I looked towards Jake and saw that he is looking ready to kill Derek and Lucy was hugging him tight. After what seems like hours they both parted and Derek looked towards me and he was looking so happy there was a different glint in his eyes.

"What was that Illaria?" Jake asked his sister who can't remove her eyes from Derek,hearing her brother's angry voice Illaria said "duh,bro he is my mate... you are acting as if you haven't realized till yet seeing us." Jake controlled his anger and calmed down and faced Derek "listen,i know my sister is your mate but till everything settles down I can't send her with you knowing that she is not safe there and before you say that you'll be there to protect her remember everytime you can't be with her,so after the war ends you can take my sister" seeing that he has no choice Derek  agreed. "See if you have gone now you wouldn't have found your mate Derek" I teased him and he just playfully glared at me. "Illaria show him the guest room" I said to her and she happily took him with her.

Today was awesome,I am too happy. But I know this happiness will not last long.

Third person pov:

Today they discussed their war strategy after Derek gave them the informations. Blood moon pack has decided that they'll attack on the next full moon which is after 3 weeks so they decided the silver moon pack will do surprise attack on them in 2 weeks,till then Stacey will also be trained with her new powers.

1 week later still in third person pov:

Derek has returned to his pack the next morning and Jordan called for a meeting with his warriors and the strategy of the plan was discussed. In the mean time Lucy was training Stacey in hand to hand combat and fighting in wolf form and how to use the powers. Stacey is a fast learner she is learning fast she even gave tough competition to the best warriors,Jordan also praised her. Derek calls every day to give information about their pack but the main reason was that he wants to talk to Illaria.

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