13 : The Coronation Day

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Stacey fainted in my arms and I couldn't do anything, "babes wake up! Everything is fine now please wake up,please" "Jordan c'mon let's take Stace to the doctors c'mon bro" Derek snapped me out of the daze and we take her inside and Derek asked us to bring her to his room and Jake went to call Ella,she is our pack doctor and she had also joined us in our journey to the Blood Moon pack. I slowly and carefully put Stacey on the bed and covered her and sat beside her by holding her hand. Derek and Lucy were also in the room,Jake entered the room with doctor Ella behind.

"Alpha",Ella bowed and sat on the bed beside Stacey. After some check ups she said "there is nothing to worry about alpha,our luna is absolutely fine she is just tired that's why she fainted and you might know that she is 3 weeks pregnant,so I would suggest that we all should stay here for a few days so that she is well rested then we all can go back and don't worry she will wake up after sometime,rest is upto you alpha" I released the breath I was holding back,"i guess we should stay here for a few days that if Derek has no problem with it?"I asked Derek "I don't have any problem after all Stace is my baby sister this is the least I can do for her,I will ask a maid to clean the rooms for you all and bring some clothes for you guys,till then you both should rest" with that he left the room with Jake and Lucy.

"Hey baby,I know you are very tired but you have to wake up because you know we have to celebrate that you are pregnant and we have to tell mom also that she is going to be a grandmother,wake up soon doll,love you" I kissed her forehead and went towards the bathroom to take a shower. I stand under the shower and the hot water cascading down my back relaxing my aching muscles I was thinking about the time I first saw Stacey,how I fell in love with her at first sight,I clench my fist remembering her nightmares,her scars,her fear of new people but then her love for me,her childish laughs,her care free attitude her everything,f*ck I am deeply in love with her and now we are going to be parents. As I came out of the shower I saw two women near the bed where Stacey was sleeping I growled angrily at them and at an instance I was holding them by their neck,"who are you and how dare you enter the room?" I asked them,"answer me otherw-" I was cut short by a grunt and "Jordan?" by someone I turned to see that this someone is non other than my beautiful mate the would be mother of my child. I left them and went towards her, "babes are you ok?" I asjed her and bought the water to her lips so that she can drink it. "What happened and why were you trying to kill them?" "Babes you fainted after you killed Jacob and these two ladies were trying to harm you and our child",I told her as I sat beside her by holding her hands"but Jordan they won't harm me,they are like my aunts they were always there to help me after father would beat me to death,they are my mom's sister and father had kept them also in the prison beside mine." I look towards them and they had tears in there eyes I could clearly see the love they had for Stacey I signalled them to come towards us so that they can hug Stacey,in the mean time I mind linked Jake,Lucy and Ella about Stacey and asked them to inform Derek also" as I finished talking to them in mere seconds everyone was back in the room to see Stacey.

After doing a few check ups and declaring that she is fine Ella left us. Derek came towards us and engulfed Stacey in a hug "don't scare us like this ever Stace,you know how much scared we all were? By the way congo dear you are going to be a mom and Jordan take care of her she is my only family!" After a fair share of hugs and a lot of teasings and discussions it was decided that after four days the ceremony for Derek's coronation as the new alpha will be held and decided at he packs work as allies,we all decided to call it a night because all of us were tired and everyone retired to their rooms.

Finally me and Stacey were alone,I locked the door and came back to the bed and pulled Stacey towards me so that she was half laying on my chest. "You scared me baby,do you have any idea how scared I was?I thought I lost both of you!" I said her truthfully,"she looked into my eyes "sorry Jordan,am sorry that I scared you,are you uh I mean are you-" before she could complete the sentence I cut her off "yes baby yes I am happy,very very happy,you are giving me a symbol of our love,a small Stacey or a small Jordan,thanks baby thanks. But from now on you have to take care of yourself when we will go back you will be on complete rest ok?" She nodded a yes,I can clearly see the happiness in her eyes and I know it reflects my own also. I kissed her forehead and tucked her under my chin with her head on my shoulder "good night Jordan" "good night baby girl" with that I welcomed the darkness.

After 4 days


Today is Derek's coronation day,today he'll be named as the new alpha of blood moon pack,Illaria is also here and they both have mated two days ago. Oh I forgot to mention Lucy is also pregnant so all of us are very happy,at first Jordan was angry that Jake made his sister pregnant but when Derek also said the same thing then Jordan understood that his baby sister is no more a baby then he hugged his sister and his beta and congratulated them. "What are you thinking babes? Get up fast otherwise Lucy and Illaria will drag you out of the bed"
"I know,I just don't want to leave yo-" before I could finish it the door flew open and there stood the villains,Lucy and Illaria. "Stacey c'mon we have to get ready" Lucy said coming towards me,"ya ya let's go" I bid goodbye to Jordan and went with them to get ready.
We all were wearing red because it was a ritual of blood moon pack to wear red when a new alpha is introduced.

After getting ready we all came down to our partners,the guys were also wearing red. They had red shirts,black pants and black jackets and let me say they were looking dashing but my Jordan was looking best,but don't tell him there is no need to increase his ego. "Our mate is the most sexy looking" my wolf also agreed to me. I went towards him and placed my hands in his awaiting ones, "you are looking so deliciously sexy but I know you will look much sexy without this dress" he said in a husky voice,I could feel my cheeks getting hot "you are not too bad yourself" I complimented him "f*ck baby I love it when you blush" as he was dipping his head towards me to give a kiss  we were interrupted by a cough and turned to see Derek giving us a wolfish grin. "C'mon guys I don't wanna be late on my coronation day" Derek complained "ok ok let's go bro" I said him and with that we all went towards the backyard.

All the pack members were gathered there as Derek and Illaria went on the stage there was pin drop silence. Derek came forward to address them "my pack members I know my father had ruled with cruelty and had treated you all harshly but I promise you guys I will treat you all as a family as my family,I don't want you guys to be afraid of me I want you guys to believe me so that if any problem occurs you all can come to me and your Luna,with that I take the responsibility of this pack as the new alpha" as Derek finished his speech everyone gave a huge round of applause to them and then the party started.

After talking to everyone Derek and  Illaria came towards us "congrats new alpha" we all congratulated them and hugged them. "Thanks guys without you all it won't have been possible" as usual the humble Derek thanked us. After eating and some dancing the party ended and we all returned to our rooms. Tomorrow we are going back because Jordan's mom is getting impatient after all her daughter and daughter in law are pregnant and we have to announce it to the pack members also. As we came in our room I was pushed against the door and at an instance Jordan's lips were on mine and he was kissing me hungrily. I pushed his jacket off his shoulder and he pulled the strap of my dress down,I started to unbutton his shirts and he pulled away from me to remove his shirt and my dress,I was left with only my bra and panties on and he was only in his boxers,he pulled me towards the bed and laid me on it carefully and he was hovering above me and again started kissing me. After sometime he pulled away but his lips didn't left my skin he started kissing my neck he sucked and bite my mark again and again until I was a moaning mess under him the only sound in the room were coming from my moans he pulled away and looked into my eyes "I love you Stacey I love you so so so much" "I love you too Jordan" and he pulled my bra and panties off and also his boxers. We made love that time again and again until it was early morning.

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