Part 1

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Annie was nervous yet excited about her first day at work, she would be working for a child advocate center in London England. She moved here from the United Sates, Annie graduated from Cazenovia college, with a bachelor degree in social services. When she graduated she was given the opportunity to move to England to work for the company, and Annie excitedly accepted. Annie walks into the office and was greeted by the receptionist. "Hi I'm Annie and I am new here, I am looking for sarah?"

"Oh hi Annie you must be the new case worker, I will get Sarah for you."

Annie looked around the office and was getting excited that this is where she will be working, within just a few minutes Sarah came walking through the door.

"hi Annie I am Sarah; it is finally nice to meet you."

"Hi Sarah, I am excited to start working here!"

"let me show you to your office, and I will give you some cases that you can start working"

"ok, thank you."

Annie sat down at her new desk and could not wait to start this new journey. Little did she know that her life would change in just a few years

Two years later

Annie could not believe that she has been in London for two years, she was getting used to her new surroundings, and she even made some new friends. So far work has been good, she has gotten some tough cases, but seeing a family get back together in the end is the best feeling for Annie. Right now Annie is getting nervous, prince harry would be coming to her work. He would be coming to see the new facilities and meet some of the people that have been helping the children. Annie was currently sitting in her apartment getting ready to meet his royal highness, she was talking to her mom about what to wear.

"mom what should I wear, I want to look nice when I meet the prince."

"oh honey, whatever you wear I am sure that whatever you wear it will look nice."

Annie jusr rolled her eyes at her mom. Happy that she could not see her as she was on the phone with her.

"Thanks mom, I have to go now I don't want to be late."

" ok bunny have a good night, love you."

" love you too mom."

Annie decided on a green dress that was knee length and black high heels. She left her apartment and headed to work

Annie pov

As I walked into work, everyone was running around getting ready for the Prince's arrival. I walk into Sarah's office asking if there was anything that she needed help with. She smiled and said that everything looked to be in order, and that I could do some paper work or something before he arrived. I went to my office and decided to work on some paper work that I was not able to finish the other day, than one of my friends/ fellow coworker walked in.

"Annie! Can you believe that Prince Harry is coming? I am so excited."

"Hi Amanda, yes I am excited, I just hope that I don't mess up and embarrass myself."

Amanda laughed and said, " oh I am sure you will do fine."

Before I could say anything else, Sarah came down and said that we needed to line up that the Prince was only a couple minutes away. I stood up and smoothed out my dress and followed Amanda to the front of the building. We all stood in line and waited patiently, everyone excited that they get a chance to meet someone from the royal family. Within just a couple of minutes a black car pulled up, and a tall young man with red hair steps out of the car and begins to walk into the building

. We all stood in line and waited patiently, everyone excited that they get a chance to meet someone from the royal family. Within just a couple of minutes a black car pulled up, and a tall young man with red hair steps out of the car and begins to walk into the building. All eyes were on the Prince as begins to walk in and greet everyone.

As Prince Harry got closer to me is when I started to get nervous, I mean he is a member of the royal family. Before I new it he was standing in front of the person next to me and talking to them, he than shook their hand and than the time came to come and talk to me.

"Hello, what is your name?" said  Harry

Blushing again I said, "thank you , it was nice to meet you."

He smile than went on to the next person. I was nervous so it was nice to finally get that over with. After the meet and greet Sarah took him on a tour of the facility, and we were sent off to work. At the end of the day we were all invited to go to the dinner that was celebrating the success of our center. Little did I know that the Prince would be there as well. I was sitting with Amanda, and couldn't help but notice when the Prince came into the room. Amanda started to talk again , but I was not listening as I was watching Harry walk around and talk to some of the guests.

"Did you hear what I just said?"

"Oh no sorry."

she turned around to see what I was looking at, "OOO you were looking at the Prince !"

"No I was not I was looking at the painting that happens to be behind him." I said blushing, but who wouldn't want to look at Prince Harry, he is hot!

"ok fine". Laughing she got up went to get another drink.

I couldn't help but look at the direction at him again, but to only find him looking at me. I imminently turned back around hoping that he wouldn't notice. But I was wrong because the next thing I know is he is coming over to sit next to me.

"Is anyone sitting here?" said Harry

"no my friend left to get a drink, but I think that she got lost."

Laughing he said, "well in that case, maybe I should stay and keep you company. I couldn't help but notice your accent where are you from?"

"Well I am from the USA, but I moved here after I graduated."

I than told him my story, I felt completely comfortable talking to him as if I was talking to one of my friends. When I was looking at my phone we had been talking for about an hour.

"Oh wow we have been here for awhile, I am sorry but I have to go." says Harry

"well it was nice talking to you." I say

As he got up to leave he came back to ask for my number. I gave it to him, than he gave me his number. He told me that he would text me. I couldn't believe that I had Prince Harry phone number.

********* author note

well, I hope that you all like the first chapter. I am willing to take any suggestions that you all may have!! Thank you for reading, and please comment :)  

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