Chapter 9

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Harry POV

I was sound asleep until I felt Annie move around in the bed. I opened my eyes to see what was going on and it looked like she was having a nightmare. She was tossing and turning , as if she was trying to get away from something.
"Noo NOO please get away from me." Annie starts to shout

I gently put my hands on her shoulders in attempt to get her to wake up, but it didn't work she just rolled over to the other side of the bed. I kept calling her name, but nothing  whatever nightmare she was having it was a bad one.   For a minute Annie had calm down, I thought maybe she was waking up but I was wrong. She let out a scream that could of woken up the patients that were in a coma. Than all of a sudden two nurses came rushing into the room.  

"What is going on in here?" asked one of the nurses as she looks at both Annie and me

"I think she is having a nightmare." I tell them

"Ok sir i am going to have to ask you to step back, so we can try and get her out of the nightmare." the second nurse says

At first I didn't want to I wanted to stay by Annie side, but I knew that the nurses had to do their jobs so I got up and moved to the side. For the few minutes the nurses tried to get Annie to open her eyes, they tried to get her to calm down before they tried anything else. She was crying, and kept saying no to the person in her dream. I couldn't handle seeing her like that so I left the room for a little bit.  As I stood outside of the door, I could Annie's cries die down. Within a few minutes a nurse came out and said that she was looking for me.

I thanked the nurses and walked back into the room , I was not prepared for the sight in front of  me. Annie was laying on the bed, curled up in a ball she looked up at me with a smile despite the tears in her eyes.

"Hey  Annie, how are you? you had me scared their for awhile."

"Hey Harry, I'm sorry for scaring you. I just had a really bad dream and I couldn't wake up from it." She told me as she was looking at her hands

"What was your dream about ?" I asked

At first she didn't say anything, I told her if she wasn't ready to she didn't have to. But she shook her head no and told me that she wanted to tell me. I nodded and went to sit down on the chair next to her bed, waiting for her to begin.

She took a deep breath and said, "I was on my way to go pick up my parents from the airport, at first there were no reports outside but as soon as I stepped out, they stated to swarm around me. Just like yesterday, they stated to yell at me and I tried to get away but one of them pushed me down. I got anger and I stood up, I tied to run away but it seemed like the swarm of reporters never ended. " It was hard for me to hear, and also made me mad that I was not there for her yesterday. At this point she had tears in her eyes, and she looked like they could spill any moment. I thought that she was done, but she starts to talk again. " I could hear you calling for me Harry, and I tried to get to you but I couldn't." At this point she is full blown crying. With one long stride I was on the bed next to her, I took her in my arms as she cried. I was was trying to soother her when I finally noticed that I had been crying to, I was upset that I wasn't there to protect her.

After awhile Annie was finally settling down,"Annie I am so sorry that you had to go through this." I tell her

"It's ok you didn't know that this was gong to happen, and you are here now and that's all that matters." She tells me

"I know but I am still upset that I couldn't be there for you." I tell her

We sit and talk for a little while longer, the doctor came in and told us that Annie can come home today. So we decided to get changed than head out. Annie parents dropped off some clothes last night when she was sleeping. I was waiting for Annie to finish when there was a knock on the door.

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