Chapter 2

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It has been two days sense Annie fist met Harry, and Annie was finishing up some paper work from a case that she had just finished when Amanda knocked on her door.

"Hey Annie, I was just about to leave and wanted to ask  you if you wanted to go to lunch with me at this new place down the street from me?"

Annie was about to answer when her phone ringed, she looked at her phone and it was an un know number. At first she was going to pick up but something told her she should take this call.

"Hello, this is Annie."

"ummm hi Annie, Its Harry."

Amanda was in the background waving her hands around trying to get Annie attention. Annie was not paying attention to Amanda because she was surprised that Prince Harry was actually calling her.

"Oh hi  Harry , how are you?"

"I'm good, Umm listen there is a polo match that I am playing in this weekend, and umm I was wondering if you wanted to come and watch me play?"

"Umm Harry can you just hold on one second?"

"yeah sure."

Annie got off the phone and turned to Amanda, and was not sure what to do. Part of Annie wanted to go with Harry but she also wanted to go with Amanda, so she explained her situation to Amanda

"Annie you should go with Harry, it is not everyday that you are going to be asked out by  a prince. And we can go to lunch some other time. "

Annie smiled at Amanda, " Amanda I am not sure, I mean I have only met this man once. If I go with him would you come to?"

Amanda smiled "sure, I would love to!"

"Thanks. Oh I should get back to talking to Harry."

Amanda smiled and allowed me to go back to talking to Harry.

"Hey Harry are you still there?"

There was a brief moment of silence before he answered me. "Hey Annie yes I am sill here, so do you want to come?"

"Yes I would love to come but it is ok if I bring my friend from work Amanda?"

"Great! and yes that would be fine to bring a friend."

Harry and I discussed what time we should be there, and where to meet him when it was done. We said good bye to each other, and he said that he was excited for this weekend. After hanging up Annie could not keep the simple off of her face, and this didn't go unnoticed by Amanda.

"So what did he say? "said Amanda

"He said yes that would be fine if you wanted to come."

Clapping her hands she said " I am so exited I have never been to a polo match before."

************* skip to Saturday*******

Annie POV

I am excited about going to the polo match today, and a little more excited about seeing Harry. Right now I sitting on my couch waiting for Amanda to call me to tell me that she is down stairs waiting for me. It didn't take long before she actually called me. Once I got into the car we drove away and it would take us a least fifth teen minutes to get there, in the mean time Amanda decided to tell me everything that she learned about polo. Than before we knew it, we were there.

"All right Annie where do you think we should sit?" said Amanda

"Hmmm why don' t we go sit down over there by the field, so we can have a good view of the game."

Amanda agreed and than we started to walk over, as we were getting ready to sit down there were a bunch of players coming out onto the field.

"Do you see Harry anywhere?" Amanda asked as we both looked out onto the field. Before I could answer one of the player took off their helmet and I than saw his red hair, and I must say he look good on a horse. He was looking around as, from what I could tell he was looking for us. So Amanda decided to wave in his direction, once he saw us he smiled and waved back. I couldn't help but blush. We sat and we watched the polo game.
When it ended Harry texted me to meet him near the tent. I went to the tent and saw him standing there looking more handsome than ever.
"Hey, how did you like the game?" Harry said while giving me a hug
"Hey, I really liked the game, Amanda liked it too."
We stood there and chatted for awhile about the polo match until Amanda came and said that we should probably get going.
"Ok well good bye Harry i had a nice time."
" yeah I did too." Said Amanda before she went to the car
"So ummm Annie if your not doing anything tomorrow would you like to go to lunch?" Harry said blushing slightly
" I would love too!" Blushing and trying to his my excitement that he asked me out again
" ok wonderful I will text you later on."
With that I started to walk to the car hoping that Amanda didn't notice me blushing, but it didn't work.
"Annie are you blushing? And why do you have that grin on your face?"
"Harry asked me out again, for lunch tomorrow and I said yes."
Amanda let out a scream and clapped her hands.
"Oh Annie good for you, you guys are going to make a great couple. Who knew that I would be friends/ coworkers with the prince's next girlfriend."
" ok first of all I am not his girlfriend yet. Second of all two dates does not mean that he is in to me."
" ok fine, whatever you say, I still think that you guys will be perfect for each other."
I just rolled my eyes as we drove off. I thought about what Amanda said, and secretly think that she is right we would    Be good for each other, but I am not going to tell her that.

Author note

I hope you all like it so far. I promise it will pick up in the next few chapters. If you have any ideas for the story please let me know, and I will try to include them!!!

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