11: Confession?

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Niall's P.O.V

After Melloni left I decided to go after her.

"Dude where you goin'?" I heard Zayn ask.

"Somewhere" I growled not bothering to look at him. Once I was outside I looked around to see if I could find her.


But I then saw a body quickly turning the corner. I ran to my car and drove. the direction it was heading. Quickly noticing Melloni's Shoes I ran up to her and stopped and parked my car just a few feet behind her. I got out and grabbed her arm.

"LEAVE ME ALONE NIALL!!" She yelled trying to get out of my grip.

"Why did you run away? If we aren't even dating you shouldn't even get mad at me" I smirked at the sudden thought, "You like me don't you"

"No why would I" She finally stopped trying to get out of my grip.

"Cos if you didn't care you wouldn't have even said anything about it" I smirked, "Just admit it, you like me"

"No I'm not going to admit that I like you, even if I didn't like you I would still bring it up, I mean it all happened right in front of me not even 5 feet away" She explained.

"You technically just admitted you like me you know that right?" I grinned.

"BYE!!" She yelled running away. I ran to catch up to her but she was to fast. I quickly ran back to my car and drove off to find her.

Melloni's P.O.V

Fuck him. He doesn't know if someone likes him or not. He has never liked let alone loved someone in his life. What did he know about someone liking another?

By now I'm on my way to my dorm. As walk up the stairs to the third floor I was counting the steps to keep me from getting tired.

"One Hundred-eighty-nine!" I said as I almost reached the top, "One Hundred-Ninety!"

I sped walked to my dorm hoping that Ally is awake because I forgot my key in the room.

I swiftly knocked on the door waiting impatiently for the door to open. When there was no answer I knocked again. But harder this time. As I was about to knock again since no one was answering the door flew open.

"Wha- Oh Hey Mel" Ally started but quickly corrected herself.

"Hey, so you gonna let me into my dorm or are you gonna make me sleep in the hall?" I joked.

"The floor does seem a bit comfy why don't you sleep there instead?" She joked.

"You wish, now move" I shoved passed her before she could say anything else.

"So I guess I will be sleeping on the floor" I said as I stared at my drunken friend on my bed sound asleep.

"Yup, your lucky the floor is carpet" Ally laughed.

"HA HA" I said. I stole one of Ally's pillows and the extra blanket that was in the closet and lied down on the floor under the window.


I woke up to a loud knock on. The door. I checked my phone to see what time it was. 3:27 a.m.

"UGH!!!" I groan as I get up to get the door. Who would be here at 3 in the morning?

As I open the door I try to slam it closed but the person's foot was in the way.

"Why don't you just admit your feelings for me" He slurred. He smelled terribly of alcohol.

"Your drunk you should go back to your dorm before you get caught." I whispered.

"No!" He protested.

"Niall, just leave I don't have time for your bull crap" I said.

"Bull Crap? Really" He laughed.

"Yes really now leave" I tried shutting the door again but his foot was still there.

"If I admit it will you leave?" I asked annoyed.

"Maybe" He smirked.

"You won't remember this in the morning anyways" I whispered to my self. I sighed before saying, "Fine I like you as a friend, can you leave now?"

"Nope" He simply said.

"What now?" I was getting impatient now.

"You said as a Friend I meant like, Like-Like not just in a friendly matter" he winked.

"In your dreams." I said.

"I'm not leaving until you say so"

"Really? That's all came for? So that I can confess my like for you? How would you know when someone likes you? How would you know if you like me?" I questioned, "No don't answer that just leave, please" I said and closed the door.

I sighed of relief. I went back so my comfy spot and lied down.

"Who was that?" I heard Ally ask.

"It was just Niall who came for a stupid reason." I said.

"Oh okay, well Goodnight Mel" She said.

"Goodnight Al" I replied and drifted off to sleep again.


I woke up, again, to loud noises coming from everywhere.

"WHAT THE HELL?!!!" I yelled sitting up.

"Sorry Mel we didn't mean to wake you up" Ally said.

"It's okay, what are you guys doing that's so loud?" I questioned looking around.

"Well since Ally here, knew I had a hang over and my head hurts like hell right now she decided to have some fun and make as much loud noises as she can to make it hurt even more" Annaleise explained.

"Ally!!" I yelled, "Sorry Anna"

"What? I'm pretty sure we have pain killers anyway" Ally smirked.

"Then why didn't you give me any?!" Anna tried to yell while holding her head.

"Because I don't know where they are" Ally laughed.

"You can always look you know" Anna stated the obvious.

"Yea but I didn't want to." Ally smiled.

"Just stop arguing and I will look for them." I said and looked for the pain killers.

"Here" I said handing her the medicine and a bottle of water to chug it down.

"Thanks" Anna smiled.

I nodded a thanks and grabbed some clothes for the day. Today was Saturday but I still wanted to dress up just in case. I grabbed a pair of black skinny yet loose jeans and my Nirvana t-shirt. I walked into the closet and got dressed. I put on my Black Vans and my Batman sweater.

"Where are going?" Anna asked as I braided my hair on my shoulder.

"No where special just to get breakfast you guys want to come?" I asked politely.

"Sure" they both said.

As I straighten my bangs they both got dressed I let Anna borrow some of my clothes since she didn't bring any.

"Ready?" I asked getting bored just being on my phone.

"I am" Anna said.

"Same here" Ally said in a cheery voice.

"Let's Go!!" I said starting to walk out.

"Where are we going by the way?" Anna asked.

"Is IHop good?" I asked.

"Yes" Ally said. Followed by Anna.


*At IHop*

Once we got to the place we got seated in a booth next to the window. When I sat down I saw a familiar Brunette with brown eyes, Louis and a blonde with brown roots sitting in front of him.

"Can we get a different table please?" I asked the waitress, Dylan was on his name tag.

"Sorry ma'am but there are no other tables available at the moment." He said in a sad tone.

"Okay then, thanks anyway" I replied.

I turned back to see Niall and Louis both starring at me.

"We should leave, like now" I said walking out of the place.

"Why?" Ally asked.

"Because-" I got cut off by Louis, "Hey Melloni nice to see you again"

"Hi" I said dryly.

"Who are your friends?" He asked.

"Oh um this is Ally and Annaleise" I said gesturing to both of them, "guys this is Louis..."

"Her friend" He finished.


"Uh yea we have to go now" I replied.

"Why in such a rush? I'm sure Niall there would like you guys to join us" He smirked.

"Yea, no-" "We'd love to" Ally cut me off.

We all walked into the restaurant and sat down in the booth. I sat next to the window and Ally sat next to me along with Anna next to her. Louis next to Niall. Niall in front of... Me.

Well this should be interesting.

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