14: Dorms

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Niall's P.O.V

"Thanks" she smiled and hugged me.

"No problem," I smiled and hugged her back, " Oh and Melloni?"


"Will you be my girlfriend?" There I said it.


Melloni's P.O.V

"Will you be my girlfriend?" His words repeated in my head.

"Listen Niall I would Like to be your girlfriend but I don't know you, at least the REAL you" I explained.

"Oh" is all he said.

"But maybe on our next date you can probably tell me a bit more about your self and you can ask me that question again." I smiled and looked into his eyes even though it was hard to see them.

"So your going on that second date with me?" His eyes lit up in the little light we had.

"Yes." I said and kissed his cheek, "and honestly how would you know if you have feelings for me if you haven't had any feelings for anyone in general in a long time?"

"Well there's just something about you that makes you different from the others." His eyes soften.

"Oh" I say in a soft voice.

"Don't compare yourself to them please. There just sluts, I honestly haven't felt this way in YEARS your the one who brought back those feelings, Melloni" He said.

"It's kind of hard not to feel insecure and not to compare myself to those other girls because after all you have done 'it' with them and their just so pretty and flawless I'm not that, how can someone even like me? I understand why Derrick liked me but why would an overly popular person like you like me?" I asked not daring to look at him.

"Hey," He put his hand under my chin forcing me to look at him, "there are so many reasons why I like, no, love you, for one your real unlike those plastic Barbie dolls. Second, I only had sex with them because it was my first year of college and all I did was party and get drunk I didn't really care about anything same with my second year this is my third year here." He said without loosing eye contact.

"Well yea, but I bet if I wasn't even in this school you would keep on doing the same."

"You don't know that"

"Yea, actually I do"

"Whatever lets go to sleep"

And with that we were silent for a few minutes then I dozed off to sleep in him arms.

Niall's P.O.V

~* Next Morning *~

I woke up to a drift of cold wind coming through the tent. I looked around and didn't see Melloni any where. I quickly got up and put on my shoes.

"Morning" She smirked at me, "or should I say afternoon?" She laughed. She was already dressed in her jeans and a plain grey shirt with her black vans.

"Hey I like to sleep in okay" I defended.

"Yea until 2 almost 3 p.m." She laughed.

"Like you've never done that." I walked over to her and say next to her around where the campfire should be.

"I have slept in but the latest was around 10:30" She said.

"Guess I beat you by what, 3 hours?" I laughed.

"3 and a half to be exact." She stated.

"No need to get all nerdy." I laughed.

"Does it annoy you?" She smirked.

"No, maybe, okay just a little" I said.

"Then maybe I shouldn't be your girlfriend" she teased.

"But I said just a little" I whined.

"Okay fine" she gave in.

"So you'll be my girlfriend?!" I asked excitedly.

"I guess I can give it a shot" she said looking at the ground.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!" I practically yelled.

"Yes, but if you ruin this I won't be with you anymore" she looked at me.

"I won't I promise" I said and hugged her.

"Okay good." She smiled.

"So is the part where I get kiss you and call you mine?" I asked.

"Yes" once those words left her mouth I kissed her. It wasn't rough though, it was slow and passionate. I felt those sparks was it? I wonder if she did you. It was our first kiss as an actual couple.

"Can we leave?" She asked once we pulled away.

"Sure." I said standing up. I held my hand out for her to stand up.

"Why thank you" she said.

"Any time Miss. Jones" I smirked, she rolled her eyes and stood up. We got all of our things and put the tent and all of that in my trunk we drove off back to the dorms.


Melloni's P.O.V

"You guys are finally back!" Ally exclaimed as I walked into the dorm.

"You missed me?" I asked surprised.

"Of course I did, why wouldn't I?" She asked.

"No reason I'm just not used to it, you know." I said referring to my past.

"Oh yea." She said understanding, "so what did you two crazy kids do last night?" She smirked.

"We had dinner and we looked at the stars oh and we slept in a tent!" I said excitedly.

"Oh and I'm her boyfriend now!" Niall added, snaking his arm around my waste.

"Are you now?" Ally smirked.

"Yup" I said popping the 'P'

"Well, CONGRATS YOU TWO" she exclaimed.

"Thanks? Why are you in such a happy mood all of a sudden?" I asked.

"I honestly have no idea" she said looking around the room.

"Hmmm sure." I said, "well I'm going to read a book since I have nothing else to do."

"Have fun with that, I'm going to with Harry so have fun!" She said and left.

"Bye!" I said as she closed the door.

I grabbed some random book off the bookshelf and sat on my bed. I patted the spot next to me for Niall to sit.

"Really? Twilight?" He laughed.

"Yea umm... I'm team Jacob you know. He has the whole six pack thing going on" I smirked trying to make him jealous.

"You can't be serious right?" He asked.

"Yup if I got to meet him I would dump you to be with him" I teased.

"Your not serious right?" He seemed a bit more jealous.

"No I'm kidding. I don't even like twilight that much." He sighed in relief.

"Good 'cos I thought you were serious for a moment there." He said.

"Why would I? Your my little Irish leprechaun." I pinched his cheek.

"True." He agreed.

"So tell me more about your self" I said.

"What do you want to know?" He asked.

"About your family"

I finally get to know more about him.

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