27: London or Sydney

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Please read author's note at the end.

Melloni's P.O.V

Holly motherfuck how did he know where we lived.

"Hey," Andrew said giving me a small wave.

"Hi," I replied with a small smile.

"Hello," Niall said coming up from behind.

Andrew started rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Well aren't you gonna the guy in?" Niall whispered in my ear.

"I'm supposed to do that?" I questioned.

He chuckled, "That's what you do when there's people at the door right?"

"Not if their strangers," I answered.

"So is he a stranger?" He asked looking the awkward guy in front of us.

"Just a little," I replied, "Andrew, would you like to come in?"

"I don't think that would be a good idea, I am a stranger after all," he chuckled, "but uh, can I talk to you out here for a minute or so?"

He was looking at Niall as if asking him for permission, "that's up to her not me," Niall walked back into the room leaving us alone.

"Listen I don't think we should talk at all, I don't even know how you know where I live, but umm nice seeing you again, kind of, and bye," Andrew was about to say something but I shut the door in his face before he got the chance


I have to finish my math homework and work on the 60 page essay on explaining the differences between two different sports.

I was only done with the first 10 pages of that essay and I needed to finish my math homework.

In the beginning of my second year of collage my English professor said that I could study abroad. I could either go to the UK or OZ, but in order for that to happen I have to end the semester with a 3.0, well to go to the UK at least, and I currently have a 2.8 for some weird reason. I still haven't told Niall about that offer.

I would love to do classes in a different country I just don't if I should choose the UK (London) or OZ (Sydney). They're both places I would love to visit I just don't know which to choose.

I need to tell Niall.

"Tell Niall what?" I heard Niall say walking into the living room.

Of course I spoke my thoughts, "I get to study abroad,"

"That's great news, but are you going to take the offer?" He plopped down on the couch and patted the spot next to him so that I could sit.

"Yeah, but I'm most likely going to go to Sydney, the semester ends in like two days." I sighed.

"Did you not want to go to Sydney?" He asked as if I had a problem with the place.

"No, I'm just sad that I'm going to have to leave here," I lied my head on his shoulder.

"Oh, I actually have some friends over there so you won't be lonely, I promise, they're not much younger than you either." He explained.

"So your not gone come with me?" I sat up looking at him.

"I would like to, but someone has to care of the house, babe." Niall said siting up as well.

"Oh," I looked to my hands and lied back on the couch.

"I'll go and visit you," He kissed the top of my head.


"Promise," He pecked my lips this time.

At least I won't be lonely, like he said.

*Next day*

Today I take about two tests, Math and English. I have to take them because it's just end of semester tests. I just hope I end the semester with good grades before I leave.


I walked into my class and took my normal spot in the back of the class. The whole class was soon here, everyone walked in anxious and nervous mostly. Some people came in holding books to their faces still trying to get a few more facts into their brains.

I found it really funny how most people always last minute to do a lot of things. But to the people who don't study and wait until the morning, try and get the whole book into your brain then you'll be good.

I tapped my pencil rapidly onto the desk, a habit i've had for a while now. I started to try and do those pencil hand tricks that people on TV could do, but I failed miserably, I laughed at how ridiculous it seemed. I wish I was a drummer now, drummers could do a lot of hand tricks, because well they're drummers they have to entertain them selves some how.

I kept try to spin the pencil through all my fingers, but I kept on doing it really slowly so it didn't work out as well.

"Stupid pencil tricks," I muttered to my self giving up on the pencil and setting it down onto my desk.

"It's not stupid if you know how to do it," Someone next to me said.

"And you know how to?" I asked, knowing that's what they wanted me to say.

"Of course I do, I can play the drums of course or did you not know that?" The person next me to said. I didn't bother looking who the person was, the guy seemed like douche already.

"I actually have a life," I retorted hoping the teach would come soon. It's already been ten past the time class is supposed to start.

The guy scoffed, "Did you know I was an Aussie? or were you to busy having a life to noticed that also,"

I laughed, "no really? I thought your thick ass accent was Canadian," I looked the guy. His left arm was covered in tattoos, "and actually I'm pretty sure that you're British."

"Your a smart one," He complimented, "I'm Reece by the way, Reece Mastin,"

"If your from across the world then why are you here?" I questioned the foreigner.

"It's good to discover new places, plus I'm gonna be a Rockstar soon so I came to L.A., But I somehow ended up in collage," Reece explained.

"Yeah, sure" I laughed at the mention of him being a Rockstar. I noticed the had a long fringe on the right side of his face.

"You haven't told me your name yet, what is?" It was Reece's turn to ask me.

"I'm not sure if I should tell you yet," I said taking my pencil into my hand again and looking at the door hoping to see the teacher walk in soon.

"C'mon, babe," Reece pushed.

"I have a boyfriend you know," I said hoping that would keep him away.

"That doesn't bother me, I have a girlfriend," He smirked.

"Then why did you call me babe?" I asked.

Before he could answer the teacher came in, "All right class, it's time to take the test, of course it's the final test but it's the final test of the semester," Everyone sighed in relief except for me, "I hope you guys all studied thought"

He started to pass out the test. I was the last one to get it.

"Good Luck," Reece whispered leaning over my shoulder.

"Thanks I'll need it," I huffed and wrote my name.

This is it.



It's only short bc it's all I could think of. This story is literally coming to an end (2 more chapters left).

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