Chapter 13

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He found himself driving back slowly. It was against his better judgment. Against his nature even to let her return to what she'd considered was her home. It was only her mulish tendencies that stopped her from seeing the truth of it. And that was that her home existed only with him. Where ever he was that was her home.

But he'd bitten back those words unwilling to rile her up anymore at least until he'd had her more than well seduced and ready to commit. Her shivering frame had him worried for her health and so he hadn't fought her too hard on her wish to return to her brother's house.

He blasted the heater on to full and stepped up on the accelerator, cursing to himself when another bout of shivers broke down her frame.

She hadn't let him remove her soggy clothes. Or his either before driving her back. He hadn't taken her for a prude but he guesses there were things about her he didn't quite know.

He formed a plan to get himself into her bed as he drove along. It wouldn't be the first time they have shared a bed. They had slept together a lot over the years. Little snoozes and the cuddles that went with it. But was beyond all innocence with their relationship. He craved introducing her to wickedness and sin.

Seven years was too long since he last kissed her. Seven years he spent building up his millions into billions. He was ready to hand over the reins to his second in command and take up another pair of reins altogether. One that hopefully drove Nina wild with passion rather that of mutinous rebellion.

He glanced at her somber profile and noted her flushed cheeks with some worry. Flicking out his phone at an intersection he tapped away a flurry of instructions then moved ahead when the light turned green. Then he turned to grin at her reproving look.

But his own smile swiftly faded as soon as she looked away. It wasn't right to tease her so when she wasn't at her best. Yet he couldn't do otherwise either. It would only confuse her further were he not to behave according to her expectations.

They reached the Aurora's home in relative silence and he'd had to rouse her awake to when they did.

She stepped out gingerly and strode off for the front door without a backwards glance. And so he drove off only to park at a more secluded corner. He was back a short while later only he used the spare key, his detective had uncovered month ago and let himself in after her. Then he strode forward with confidence heading for the room he knew her to be in and unworried to find her sister, Nancy might be in residence.

The message he'd sent off to his friend earlier would have taken care of that. Nancy would be sleeping over at her fiancé leaving Nina very much at Dash's mercy.

He paused a moment to frown at the only other door. It wouldn't do to rouse Nial's ire. He would need him later to be on his side. But that door appeared to be as unexciting as the room's occupants surprisingly turned out to be. He'd have expected a man as successful and driven as Nial Aurora to have a bit more excitement in his personal life but all reports proved that to be contrary.

Still, a man with his looks... shaking his head, Dash pushed the door to Nina's room open. The bright light from the street light streamed in unhindered causing Dash to wince at the sudden brightness, that was until he caught the sight of Nina all bundled up undercovers. Then greed simply stepped in. Greed and lust was a dire combination. And Dash Arlington found himself combating the powerful urges to indulge in both these sins. And more importantly to indulge it upon Nina Aurora.

His mouth watered in anticipation and the unmistakable stiffening in his pants told him drenched jeans was nothing to hold back rampant desires.

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