Chapter 39

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"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?"

"I told you, personally," murmured Dash, looking purposefully confused.

"You didn't say, it was to her. My god Dash, you've spent your whole life with her already and will likely continue on for years to come, there's no real need to actually marry the girl."

"No real need at all," Dash readily agreed before reaching out to grasp Nina's hand in a tight hold and bring it endearingly to his lips. "Only an undeniable want. A desperate craving even." Dash grinned ruefully down at Nina.

Nina trembled at the shiver of awareness that sent goosebumps all over her skin. She was suddenly glad for her choice of clothing that covered her throat down and even went so far as to conceal the pointed peaks that jutted insistently from her chest. All Dash's doing of course. He needed to only touch her and her body sprouted all sorts of alarm to raise the red flag. Dash was dangerous to more than just her peace of mind.

"Dear god!" Gasped out Diane Arlington. "What has come over you? You can have any woman in the world and you choose her?"

Nina lifted her brow at that. To her thinking Dash already had plenty of those women of the world and it was about time he thought to settle with her at all. But she didn't say it.

"You don't even know me." Was what she did say to Diane Arlington.

"And I don't actually want to know you, dear. All that I do know is already more than plenty. An orphan child Dash encountered in his youth and insisted on having over countless times too many. I was going through a rough patch with his father at the time or I would have put a stop to it sooner. But," she sighed heavily," we can't well change the past. We can however prevent a repeat of such mistakes into the future."

"Can we, mother?" Murmured Dash with a sardonic glance Catherines way. "You seem rather bent on taking up with my mistakes. Are you sure you don't just want Nina here, for yourself? "

Nina couldn't help but sputter at that.  Choking on her own sliver at the image his cheeky words invoked. But she wasn't the only one to sputter with indignation. Diane was besides herself and Catherine took the foolish approach to actually say something.

"Dash darling, you can't still be angry that Diane and I are lovers. We've had our play. You didn't want me anymore. Surely my being with your mother doesn't upset you," she cooed somewhat stupidly.

Nina couldn't help gaping at her temerity. Catherine was obviously beyond arrogant and that was really saying something especially in the present company she was in.

"Catherine, you were distasteful then and more so, now," said Dash, looking only mildly annoyed as he brushed off her implied interest without  regard. He did not even spare her a glance but kept his eyes on his mother instead.

Nina shifted awkwardly on her feet, doing all she could not to start wringing her hands in despair. Why were they even discussing any of this? It was apparent Diane Arlington  cared nothing for her son and Dash was not overly enamoured by his mother either. So why was this conversation even necessary. And if that's meaningless then Catherine's little inputs was utterly pointless.

Nina reached out to snag herself a champagne flute. This was looking to be a good night as any to overindulge in the drink and get inebriated. Hopefully till all this nonsense actually started making sense. It would certainly take at least a couple of bottles of Dom Perignon to make that happen or perhaps a splash of Chivas on the rocks would do.

Dash must have caught on to her sudden need to get drunk for he was quick to snatch himself a flute too before the waiter was two steps away.

He clinked his glass to hers before downing the champagne in one go as if downing a shot. Nina leaned bodily into him hoping to offer some comfort without words.

"I love you," she muttered out under her breath, finding that she needed to say the words and yet not wanting him to actually hear her say it. She gulped down her own flute empty after that and leaned heavily into him. Dash's arms came around her to hold her tight against him but he gave no indications to having heard her. Instead he spoke to his mother.

"You'll have to excuse us, we're here for the charity event and I need to be seen with the hosts. Besides, Nina here will be up for auction shortly and I need to be there to bid for her. Can't let my fiancee escape me that easily now can I?"

"Huh?"  Nina felt a wave of panic flood through her. A charity auction? And he's putting her up on the block? Nothing could be more overwhelmingly embarrassing than that surely. Nina's cheeks were flushed red from more than just the drink when what appeared to be a cattle auctioneer slammed to hammer to the podium and good humoredly called for attention.

Dash had to drag Nina away then from where her feet had suddenly glued itself to the floor. He smirked down at her evily before dragging her off to their allotted seats.

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