Chapter 23

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Nina had spent her time at work well. Nit only had she made headway into the new client but she also managed to secure her manager's agreement to allow her to bunk with him.

It was probably the shock of her request that had him mutely nodding but whatever the reason, Nina left her office with a lighter heart knowing her plan was already underway. Now she need only to convince Nial of the soundness of her idea, on moving out  on him.


"Robert Simmons?"

Nial looked at her incredulously, a short while later.

"I thought you hated him."

"I do," cried out Nina vehemently, suddenly distraught to have her idea be so misconstrued. Her moving out had nothing to do with liking Robert.

"So why are you wanting to stay with him if you don't like him?" Nial questioned logically.

"What's to like?" Nina shrugged matter of factly. "Its the practical choice. He can drop me off at work and deduct the rent from my pay."

It all made senses to her in a illogical way. Just as much of a sense that her even knowing Dash Arlington had. Or in their knowning each other for this long and he had formed a sudden inexplicable interest in her naked person. Perhaps he was going through a fat nude fetish phase. He did seem to spend an inordinately long time mauling her curves with various parts of him. As far as she could tell in that only instance of their being naked in each other's arms that she could clearly recall and would unlikely ever forget.

"That doesn't make sense, Nina," said Nial slowly, as if speaking to a dimwit. Was she a dimwit? It was hard to tell. Especially as her wits went for a walkabout every time Dash Arlington stepped into her personal space.

Nina cast a regretful last glance out the window at the drooping sun tired out from its day of raining sunshine down on Melbourne. Dusk was settling in and like all creatures of the dark, when the light goes out the wicked comes out to play. Nina shivered and looked away.

Turning back to face a very disgruntled looking Nial, she said," I am sorry Nial but I have to get going. Its getting late. Besides its time you had the place to yourself. When was the last time, you had a friend sleep over?"

"You've never had a friend sleep over and you don't hear me complaining," grunted out Nial belligerently.

There was no cause for mentioning the sleepover guests she'd had of late. Especially when there was so little sleeping involved in the part of the guest anyhow. So Nina grinned then reached out an indulgent hand to ruffle through his hair. She would miss him. He was more than a sight for sore eyes to have around, he was also incredibly sweet... when he was not being a pesky brother.

"You want me to give my friend Sophie a call? You know she's always had the hots for you. Say the word and she'll be over before you can say they word monkey."

"I think the more appropriate word choice here is areyoucrazy?"

Nina giggled. "Thats not a word."

"It is a lot more than a word but not enough still to describe your friend Sophie. I get it really, I do." Nial held out his hands placatingly. "I have developed an unseemly infection.  A disfigurement even, something possibly contagious. And that is why first Nancy took off packing and now you're doing the same. You're hoping to spare my feelings by pointing out my problem and are instead simply choosing to runaway."

"The only ailment you have is suffering from acute doltishness and that is not contagious but there is no cure for it. And so we've merely decided to limit our exposure to it by moving ourselves out."  Nina corrected him, even as she agreeably smiled at the dolt.

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