Chapter 72

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The rest of that morning was spent bickering over her delays in packing, his delays in rising from bed and then their both delays in getting to the airport.  But that was the advantages of having ones own private jet.

Nina clambered on after him leaving the limo driver to cart their things in to the luggage handler for them. She promptly found her seat and buckled in to wait for Dash to finish up with his customary greeting of the captain and crew. Only he brought them with him to greet her and with a reproving look had her unbuckled and back on her feet to do the needy.

It was after a bout of pleasantries that the captain dismissed the crew and set about actually flying the plane.

Nina sank back into her seat gratefully and this time allowed Dash to buckle her up instead. She snuggled up to him and promptly fell asleep. Oblivious to Dash's added measure to ensuring her comfort by raising her seat up into reclining position. He then did the same for himself and removed the divide between to tug her closer and snuggle back into her.

They slept the seven hours journey back. Needing to regain those hours lost the night before. Pleasurable pursuits were a tiring business but well worth the effort. Even so Dash was thankful for the long flight back knowing full well he wouldn't be getting much sleep that night either.

It was at some point during that journey when Dash woke up from a sudden fearful dream. He held Nina close and burrowed his nose into her hair inhaling her in deeply. It took several attempts before he was adequately satisfied that his fears had been nothing more than a perverse dream.

Still the thoughts gnawed at him enough to have him put through a much needed call to his personal assistant. And leave him a list of instructions that left him grinning wildly with open relief. Dash grew too excited then to slip back into sleep so he turned his attentions to the lush woman in his arms and did his best to caress her without jolting her awake. So much so that he was panting from restraint when she finally did awake.

But the plain was landing then and the bites to eat offered along the way did nothing to assuage Nina's hunger. But it was not that hunger to which Dash kindly offered to address.

Scowling at his boyish smirk, Nina decided to ignore his offer and simply enjoy the view out her window as the pilot prepared for their decent.

Duly ignored Dash decided it was not his fault that she deserved not to be kept abreast of the plans he'd made on their landing.

Twilight reigned in Melbourne on their arrival. Although with skies cast with dull grey clouds that hour of the day was hard to discern from any other. Despite the gloom in weather and the timing of their arrival, Nina was in high spirits, eager to be back. And more than eager to see her siblings again.

Dash however had other plans.

The Bugatti that greeted them was chauffeur driven and already informed of the directions he had in mind.  His assistant was more than capable that way. Responding to his slightest whims as if his life depended upon it. Although in this case he wouldn't be all that wrong, for his life did depend on it. On everything going to plan without a hitch.

Dash kept his eyes on his polished boots knowing he had to keep the  glint of excitement he no doubt wore in his expressive eyes away from Nina's all too discerning gaze. She would have spotted it on him a mile away. If she thought to look. If she was still not in a peeve over him and purposefully keeping her gaze out the window and on the passing scenery.

But Dash knew Nina all too well, he knew while her flights into sulks were often, they did not last long. And that at any moment now she would turn to see what he hid from her. Dash was torn between having her interest provoked and denying her all knowledge of what was to come.

In the end the matter was taken out of his hands, for while Nina was looking out the window, she was actually studying his reflection in it and she saw all the signs that had her curiosity peeked and all that too without having seen that glint in his eyes.

"Dash?" Nina called out hesitantly,  still staring out the window.

Dash opened his mouth t o respond but then paused to temper his approach before responding with deliberate care," Yes, Nina?"

She rounded on him in a flurry.

"Dash Arlington! What are you up to?"

Dash grinned unabashedly before glancing out the window at the scene behind her and letting his grin widened impossibly more.

Nina gasped and turned to look back out her window.

"Dash?" Nina's voice trembled uncertainly," what are we doing here?"

The Bugatti came to a stop right before the building that housed the registry for births, deaths and marriages.

"Isn't it obvious darling," Dash was unable to stop himself from declaring excitedly. "We're getting married."

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