Chapter 57

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Despite the desire palpable in the air between them, Dash tugged her along after him onto the vacant dance floor. Nina was wrapped in his arms as they swayed to the music instantly oblivious to their surroundings.

It was a couple of slow songs later before he led her up to their exquisite suite of rooms. The call was put through for dinner to be sent up. Nina turned to her meager luggage to hunt out her sexiest night wear. And that comprised of a favorite and well worn one piece with the full blown profile of Minnie Mouse. The only reason she considered it to be even remotely sexy was because of its thread bare well worn fabric lent it almost a sheer quality.

Sighing unhappily over her frumpy profile, Nina unsnapped her bra and decided to do away with the panties while she was at it, in the attempt to look as enticing as possible. Knowling instinctively, given current appraisal of her reflection, that desparate measures were needed.

She stepped back into their bedroom to find it bare. Padding softly forward with her naked feet sinking invitingly into the lush carpet, Nina went in search of Dash. It was then the vastness of the space they'd taken up irked her. After several futile attempts, Nina found Dash, perched out at the balcony of the windy highrise looking like he was about to get blown off the edge.

"So that little elastic band in your head finally snapped?" Nina tried for the sarcastic to hide her fluttering worry. If anything were to happen to him, life would have no more meaning.

Dash only chuckled. Raising his head to breathe in the damp night air. The wind blew in from the straights carrying with it the scentbof the sea. Nina shivered. Running her hands over the goosebumps that broke across her skin.

The humidity in the air filling her lungs uncomfortably. She found shecwas not used to inhaling this level of moisture and perhaps the air was thinner up here.

There really shouldn't have been a balcony attached to a building at this level. But the demands of the rich was eccentric and the architecture must have knowingly catered to that.

"Dash?" Nina called out hesitantly. Eager to go out there and step into his arm and just as unwilling to be blown off the edge and fall that many floors down to her death.  She'd not have a single uncrushed bone if she did. It would be a good way to go. Better than any other she could think of.

"Dash?" Nina called out again. This time almost pleadingly.

He turned to face her then. Leaning back against the transparent half-sized screen that was the only thing holding back certain death and called out to her.

"Come out here, Nina. Come on out and join me," Dash invited silkily.

Nina shivered. Torn between the urge to heed his calling and go on out to him and fear of what was left unsaid. Nina took an unceratin step forward then stopped. Halted by the distinctive threat that lay behind his rakish grin.

"I know you, Nina. I know you. If you have difficulty loving me in life then love me in death."

The words were a shock to her system. So that her vision blurred with unshed tears and her brains felt stuffed out with cotton. Fogging out her hearing so that she shook her head unsure of what she heard. But the lure that was Dash was undeniable. Nina stepped out onto the wide balcony and made her way over to him at the very edge, unseeingly.

So that she didn't see the flash of deep hurt that flickered across his eyes or watched them tightened in barely leashed fury.

She stepped right up to him and wrapped her arms around him in a desperate attempt to soothe her panicking heart. The thud thud she heard came from her ear pressed tightly into the chiseled chest. His hands held her equally tight. They clutched at each other with desparate need.

Perhaps he was right.  Perhaps this way was better. Perhaps even, this was why her parents died together.  They couldn't love in life. But they could love in death. Nina lifted confused eyes to stared up at Dash beneath soggy lashes.

Dash stared back his gaze hard and brutally unflinching.

Nina shivered and tried to release herself from his hold. But his clasp was firm and his hold unbreakable.

Dash tried to speak. But raw fury kept eating up at him.

"Dash?" Nina's voice quivered in sudden fear.

Like flicks of a hungry tongue they fanned rather then asuaged his temper. It was some time later before he calmed enough to speak. Even then his voice came out hoarse, as if from a lifetime of disuse

"You were ready to die for me?" He demanded.

Nina shook her head.  "With you." She corrected meekly.

As if that mattered. They were not Romeo and Juliet. Two cowards wrongfully imortalised for taking the easy way out. To love was to live. To fight all obstacles and win. His hands tightened painfully as his grip dug into her. His jaw clenched in effort not to shake some sense into her. But most of all fear, dark and threatening curled like a vise about his heart. Turning his heart beat slow and sluggish with dread.

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