6- Pizza and colabs

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        I sat down at Mark's dining table and started doing my homework. I had all kinds of homework like math, science, spanish and boring stuff like that. I almost fell asleep from it because it was so boring. I drank my almost empty water bottle and kept trudging through this waste of time.

        When I was finished, I slammed my math book shut and shot up from my seat. "Finally done!" I looked around expecting Mark to be around me, but he was no where to be found. I looked all over the house until I realized he was in the living room watching TV. He was watching YouTube on the TV with Jack on the screen. I smile and whisper to myself 'I ship it'. I sit down by Mark after mustering up the courage to do so. He looked at me and smiled.

         "Finally done?"

          "Yep! Now can we do a colab? Or are you too busy watching your boo?" I point to the screen to gesture what I was meaning. He chuckled and turned off the TV.

          "Nope! Now let's go do that colab!" We both race up to his recording room and I stop myself when I get in. It's...bigger than I thought. I saw his table and moniters and his chair that he used to sit on. I quickly sit on it and swirl around in it. It's really comfy, especially on the butt.

            "I like your chair! It be comfy!" I love messing around with my grammar. It made me more memey and stuff so yeah.

             "Glad you like it. But we won't be in here for long. We're going to go down to the living room and record."

              "What are we recording anyway?"

              "I wasn't thinking about anything really special. How about a reading your comments? I haven't done one of those in a while."

             "That sounds fun!" So with that, we both head downstairs and I sit down on the couch while Mark sets up his camera.

           "Um, by the way," started Mark. "Do you care if I swear at all?"

             "Well, on my channel, I don't swear. But cuss all you want on your channel." He gave me a crooked smile that almost made my heart melt. He was such a smol bean. Like seriously, I'm taller than him. Not long after that, the video started

             "Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and I am joined by the lovely Allen."

              "Sup." I hold up a peace sign and immedieatly cringed. So did Mark and we both started to laugh. We then pulled ourselves together and started to answer the comments.

                'Mark, y u so fab?' said one comment. "Simple. Because I've been working out." He then shows off his muscles and I roll my eyes.

               "Woooooowwww." I start to slowly clap. "Good for you." Mark then glared at me playfully and I started to giggle. "Sowwy." I pulled my sleeves over my hands and hit him softly with the sleeve like a cat. We then both loose it and laugh until our stomachs hurt.

               'Mark what is your opinion, pizza or ice cream?' "That's a tough one. Well, considering we just had pizza, I think pizza."

                We continued with the comments until one stuck out in particular. 'Mark, are you and Jack dating yet?' I almost fell off of the couch laughing at this. Mark just blushed madly while I was there laughing like a maniac. "Well," I started. "As Jack's mother, I approve."

                "You're Jack's mom?"

                "Of course! I look after the smol bean." I placed a hand on Mark's shoulder. "And I approve."

               "...WELL that's all of the time we have for the day!" I giggled at his sudden outro. "Thank you Allen for being here with me."

               "No problem! I enjoyed it and ALSO we will be doing more colabs together because guess what! I'm his neighbor so get ready to get sick of me quickly!"

                 "I will leave a link to Allen's channel below please go subscribe because she is awesome and as always, I will see you in the next video! Bye-bye!"

(Thank you all so much for reading my story! This is the most reads I have ever gotten! We're almost to 50 reads! Thank you so much and as always, stay beautiful!)

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