What are you doing? I have a boyfriend! (Ch 3)

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Becca's POV

I'v been at my aunts house for two months now. It's a nice house. I'v been spending most nights in the Library. Collin and I have been spending time together. I don't think he has a lot of friends cause he doesn't really leave the house. I think Cody doesn't like him. I was Skyping with Cody last night and Collin came in asking if I wanted to watch a movie with him in the theater room. Cody wasn't really happy that he just barged into my room without knocking.

I'm in the theater room watching a movie right now. We had dinner awhile ago. I'm watching Dear John. I love this movie. Collin came in and sat next to me. He doesn't say anything most of time. Sometimes when I'm in the Library he'll come in. He'll just grab a book and sit down. I think it's because he doesn't really have anyone to just spend time with. He was the youngest in the house until I moved in. I don't really do anything most of the time anyway.

After Dear John ended he got up and put in P.S. I Love You. He left then came back a few minutes later with a bowl of popcorn. We ate popcorn as we watched the movie. A few times I saw him looking at me. Trust me he's not a bad looking guy. But I love Cody.


I can't sleep and Cody won't answer my calls. I tried texting him but he won't answer me. I got out of bed and went into the Library. I didn't want to change I'm going to read. I'm wearing short shorts, one of Cody's tee shirts, and my knee brace. I picked up a book I started the other night. Just Listen by Sarah Dessen. I sat down in a chair big enough for two people. I got to the tenth chapter when Collin walked in. He grabbed a random book and sat down on a couch next to me.

We sat in silence for awhile before he slightly moved closer to me. I tried not to act like I noticed it. I turned the page and he did too. Every other time it's not weird why is it now? The air felt tight and you could cut the tension in the air with a knife.

He moved closer yet again

He was close enough to where he could reach out and touch my face. What is he trying to do? I turned the page again. I started reading then he got up and left. I read three pages before he came back. He had a mug in his hand. I checked the time on my phone. Two in the morning and still nothing from Cody.

He was sitting closer to me when he sat down. He rested his arm on the arm of the couch. I switched to the other side of the large chair.

I turned the page again.

He stood up and sat right next to me in the chair. I tried to continue to read. He put his book down. Uninterested in it. He put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I like your eyes. They're different." I felt so uncomfortable. He put his hand on top of mine. He started to rub the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Stop." I pulled away from him.

"Why?" He got closer and held my hand. He caressed my cheek with his other hand.

"What are you doing?" I tried not to look in his eyes.

"I like you." He went to lean in but I got up. I put my book back on the shelf and headed towards the kitchen. I went to make myself some coffee. Collin came in the kitchen and came up behind me while I was making it. He pulled my hair to the side and put his hands on my hips.

"I have a boyfriend." I said.

"I saw you checking your phone. He won't answer your calls, he won't answer your texts." He pressed himself against my back.


"What?" He whispered in my ear, purposely blowing hot air on my ear.

"Stop. I love my boyfriend." He kept going.

"So? He's not here. He won't know."

"I will." I grabbed my coffee and went upstairs. I closed my door and locked it. I sat on my bed staring at my phone. I heard Collin go into his room. I tried to call Cody again. I'm scared and I need to talk to him. I need to tell him what happened.

No answer.

Why isn't he answering? I called him back.

Again. No answer.

I lied back in bed trying not to think about it.


Love you<3

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