The First Day Of The Rest Of Our Lives (Ch 28)

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Becca's POV

I stood at the doors waiting for them to open. I can't believe this is actually happening. Since my father isn't in my life anymore Brad agreed to walk me down the isle. Alli stood in front of me also waiting. Jake, Toby, and a couple of Cody's other friends flew here to be Cody's best men. Literally half an hour after I got engaged to Cody I asked Alli to be the maid of honor. Tanner proposed to Alli about a month ago. He's such a gentlemen and asked Cody first. Well technically he asked Brad and Angie, then Cody, but lets just let Cody believe he was asked first.

Music started to play and Alli walked ahead. Once she got up to the alter she turned around and gave me a reassuring smile. She nodded as the "bride" music started to play. I held onto the roses with one hand and rested my other hand on the inside of Brad's arm. We walked slowly down the isle. When we got to the alter I turned towards him and he kissed me on the cheek. He went to sit with Angie and I went back up on the alter. I handed my roses to Alli and faced Cody.

"We are gathered here today..." The priest started. I could think of anything else but Cody. He originally wanted the wedding on the beach, but he was the one that decided against it. We're having the service in the church, then the reception on the beach. I looked into Cody's deep blue eyes. I could easily get lost in them.

"Do you, Becca Roberts, take him to be your husband? Through sickness and health? Through anything that might get in the way of you two?" I think Cody got him to add that last part.

"I do." Cody smiled.

"Do you, Cody Simpson, take her to be your lovely wife? Through sickness and health? To love her when your miles and miles away at times?" I asked him to add that last part.

"I do." Now it was my turn to smile.

"Do you have the rings?" Even though Tom is sixteen Cody asked his to hold the rings. Tom stepped forward and gave us the rings. I held Cody's and Cody held mine. We put them on each others fingers.

"By the power vested in me, and the state of California. I now pronounce you husband and wife." He looked to Cody. "You may now kiss your bride." Cody wrapped his arms around my waist, and pressed his lips softly to mine. I kissed back and put my hand on the back of his neck.

"This is the first day of the rest of our lives." He whispered to me when we separated.

"I love you." I said to him before we walked back down the isle. We got into a car that would take us to the beach. Cody got a section of the beach marked off for only us and our guests. Once we got in the car I took the veil, and train off. I slipped my heels off and set it all on the seat next to me. Cody gave me a weird look.

"I don't wanna worry about the veil coming off, and I got the train on my dress so it comes off. I don't want people stepping on it. And I never wear shoes." He smiled then entwined our hands together. We got to the beach and got out. I followed Cody as we stepped onto the warm sand. There were tiki torches everywhere for when it gets dark. We sat at the head table. Everyone clapped then Jake got up to the microphone.

"Who wants to see them slow dance?" Everyone started clapping again. We stood up and Cody lead me to the middle of the area. The DJ started playing a song I recognized. We didn't pick out the song for us to slow dance to. I told Cody I trusted him to pick the song. It was slow. Then the lyrics started. I recognized it as One. I smiled and slow danced with my husband. He remembered me telling him that I love this song. He mouthed the words as it got to the end.

Everyone clapped and we headed back to our seats. Next was speeches. They went in order from Jake, to Alli, to Toby, to Tom, to Angie, then Brad, then Cody. I didn't have one planned so I wasn't gonna do one. Cody's ok with it though. He knows how nervous I get. Cody stood up and began to talk.

"I knew from the first day I met you that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Even though at the time you had a boyfriend. You were the first girl I have ever experienced love at first sight with. When I saw you something just went off in my brain. Then when you had to move to Iowa a year later. That broke my heart. I couldn't stand being away from you. I was stupid and something happened that I had no control over. I must've apologized a million times. Then you came back and got another boyfriend. Every second you were with him. Every time he kissed you. I wished it was me. I wished you'd leave him and come back to me. That day you told me that you still love me was the best day of my life. Now today is the best day of my life. I love you Becca and I promise to always love you no matter how far away from each other we are, or how long I'm away for. Nothing will ever get in between us again. I love you, and I can't wait to spend the rest of out lives together." I stood up and hugged him. I pressed my lips to his, then hugged him again.

"I love you too." I whispered in his ear.


The night was wonderful. It was full of dancing, and kisses. Cody surprised me and sang to me three times. I love him so damn much. We got into the car again and headed off to our honey moon. I can't wait to go to Ireland, London, and Paris. Cody's been to all three, but I'v always wanted to go.

He said he'd do anything twice for me. He's such a gentlemen, and sweet, and loving.

And mine.


My mom and dad just gave me a Christmas present tonight. I literally almost cried when I saw it. It's Cody's book, and it's signed by him! I'v been a fan of Cody's since his second video, and this is my first autograph from him. I love it so much!

This is the last official chapter. I'm sorry. I loved writing this book. It was amazing to see you guys like it so much and wanted more. Some of you will be upset that it's over. I do read your comments. But the epilogue will ether be posted tomorrow night or the next day.

Love you<3

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