Dear Darlin' (Ch 12)

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Cody's POV

It's one day before Becca's birthday. The other day she texted me and wished me a happy 18th birthday. I decided to go through with Alli's plan. I miss her so much I don't think I can handle it anymore. It's not that I can't handle not being with a girl, it's just I can't handle not being with her. I grabbed my guitar, my camera, and headed up to my room. I'm not editing this one. I'm just going to post it as is.

I got Alli to set up the camera so then you could see from my biceps and up. She left after and I opened the curtain a bit to let light in. I ran my hand through my hair once to make sure it wasn't all over the place. I changed into a black tee shirt to match my bed covers. I pressed record on my camera then sat down.

"Hey guys. I just wanted to sing this song. I'm dedicating it to someone very special to my heart. She know's who she is." I started to strum my guitar and I played the song.

Becca's POV

I walked down the hallway heading to the car when I got a text from Alli.

"Hey. When was the last time u checked Cody's youtube page?"

"The other day why?"

"Just asking..."

"What's on there?"

"You'll just have to see ;)"

I sighed and got into the car. John drove me home and I went right up to my room. I opened youtube and typed in CodySimpsonMusic and clicked on the youtube channel I'm so familiar with. I saw a new video titled Dear Darlin' cover. I clicked on it then let it load a bit before pressing play.

"Hey guys. I just wanted to sing this song. I'm dedicating it to someone very special to my heart. She know's who she is." He looked down and positioned his fingers. He started to strum his guitar.

"Dear Darlin' please excuse my writing." He looked up and sang right into the camera leans. I felt like he was looking right at me.

"I miss you and nothing hurts like no you. And no one understands what we went through." I could see a tear escape his eye and roll down his cheek. "It was short. It was sweet. We tried." As he sung I figured out that he was dedicating this song to me. At first I thought he dedicated it to Gigi, but no. It's me he meant it for. I couldn't help but cry at the sight of him singing this painful song for the both of us. He continued to cry and I wanted so badly to reach into the computer screen and caress his cheek. Wipe away the tears. Tell him that I still love him.

"Oh I concur. These arms are yours to hold." He strummed the guitar through the part where there's no singing. He had this horribly sad look on his face. "And I miss you. And no one understands what we went through." He finished.

"Thanks for listening." He put his guitar down on the bed and got up to turn the camera off. I wiped the tears away from my eyes. I picked up my phone and texted Alli.

"Why would u want me to watch Cody singing that song to Gigi?"

"It's not for her! It's for u!"

"I know I just wanted to see what u'd say."

"So what do think about it."

"He made me cry."

"Omg text him and tell him!"

"I will. Brb."

I tapped on Cody's name and typed up a message to him.

"I just watched Dear Darlin'."


"You made me cry."

"I miss you. No one understands what we went through."

"I miss you too."

He didn't text me back after that. I smiled then started to text Alli. I'm definitely moving back to California for my Senior year.


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Love you<3

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