Thanks For Trying (Ch 8)

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Becca's POV

I passed Collin in the hall.

"Hey Collin." He didn't answer. He totally ignored me and kept walking. He's been like this. Lately he's even been getting out of the car early so nobody sees us getting out together. I thought he was nicer than this. I thought wrong.


"You went and told Cody. Aw boo hoo."

"Why did you tell Cody that we bully you?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Just because Cody told us to stop doesn't mean we're gonna."

"If anything we'll do it more." I didn't say anything I kept looking down at my phone and heading towards the car.

"She's not even looking at us. It's probably because she's ashamed of her eyes."

"They are pretty weird. I mean who has two different colored eyes?" I'm not looking at you because I'm trying to ignore you. They eventually walked away. I walked to the car and got in back. The whole ride back to the house I just looked out the window. Ever since the other day when Cody tweeted everyone to stop bullying me it's been worst. I never did anything to them.

I got home and went upstairs. I'v been spending more time in my room. I'd rather be in here then out there with Collin. I got my lap top out and noticed that Alli was online. I video called her. She answered after the first three rings.

"Hey! I can't wait to see you next week!" She said right when I could see her.

"Me too. So how have you been doin?"

"Good. How was school today?"


"What do you mean?"

"Ever since Cody said that on twitter the other day it's been worst. Today six girls followed me to my car and wouldn't leave me alone."

"I'm so sorry Becca."

Cody's POV

I could heard Alli say Becca from my room. I got up and headed to her room. I knocked and she said to come in.

"Hey Alli, mum wa-"

"Is that Cody?" I could hear her voice.

"Ya. Hey Cody come here for a second." I stepped in and sat next to Alli. I looked at Becca through the small computer screen.

"Hey Cody. Thanks for trying to get them to stop."

"What do you mean trying?"

"It's worst now. But thanks for trying."

"No problem." We sat there in silence for a few minutes. I couldn't help but look at Becca. I haven't seen her in a little over six months. "Alli mum has to talk to you about tomorrow. So when your done up here just go down and see her. It was nice to talk to you Becca. I'm sorry I didn't really help." I got up and left I didn't wait for her to respond.

I went back into my room and sat on my bed. I took out my phone and looked through my pictures. It seemed like I had thousands of pictures of Becca and I. I wonder if she still has pictures of us on her phone.

I went into the hall and just sat there. It's creepy and impolite to eavesdrop but I miss her voice. I miss her laugh. Every time she laughed I just wanted it to happen again. God I'm so stupid. I'm gonna do Alli's plan in January.


Sorry for doing such short chapters.

Love you<3

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