Drive (Ch 15)

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Cody's POV

Becca's been here for almost two months now. Mum took Alli to an all day photo shoot, and Tom and dad went somewhere. They didn't say were, they just said they were going somewhere. Mum and Alli took the van, and dad and Tom took a cab. I don't know why, but they did. I'm in the living room and Becca's upstairs in her room. Probably sleeping. I wish I was right now.

I heard a noise and it was Buddy doing something weird. I can't even explain what he was doing. He was acting insane. Then I saw her walk down the stairs. Buddy stopped and I turned my attention back to the tv. She came in and sat in the chair.

"Morning." She mumbled.

"Good morning. Since when are you not a morning person?" I asked laughing.

"Since you called me after I moved." She said not looking at me. She's talking about when I broke up with her. I didn't think it would take a toll on her too. I know it did to me, but I thought she'd be happy. I mean she was in a new place, so I gave her space so she could date. I don't think she did though.

"Where is everyone?" She asked still not giving me eye contact.

"Mum took Alli to an all day photo shoot, and I don't know where my dad and Tom went." She didn't acknowledge that she heard me. We sat there for awhile before I spoke.

"You wanna go for a ride? I wanna just talk. We can go wherever you want?" I asked hopefully.

"Sure. I'll be down in ten minutes." She slumped upstairs. I could hear the shower turn on and I went upstairs to change. I took a shower earlier so I changed into jeans and a tee shirt. I came out to see her in ripped jean shorts and a Live Love Surf Cove Tank from my merch store almost a year ago. I didn't think she was still a fan. I grabbed my phone and keys and headed out the door, letting Becca go first of course. I started the car and went down the road. I looked over at Becca a couple times. I don't think she's still very happy with me.

"So where do you want to go?" I asked her looking over at her when I stopped at a red light.

"The beach." I nodded, just noticing that she was wearing a bikini under her tank. I took a right and headed to a beach that I knew not many people would be at.


We're just walking on the beach carrying our shoes. We haven't really talked yet, we've just been walking. I looked over at Becca.

"So how was Iowa?" This is my sad attempt at conversation.

"I got bullied every day by your fans cause they think I broke up with you, and guys wolf whistling at me all the time." I looked at her. "I yelled at one of them." She smiled a bit.

"What did you say?"

"I yelled 'Why don't you be a gentlemen and tell me I'm beautiful? I'm not a dog!' His face got so red! You should've seen it!" We both laughed. Maybe today wont be so bad.

"That reminds me of an interviewer. She started hitting on me and Alli got protective. It was quite funny."

"Oh I'v seen Alli protective before. It is pretty funny." We both smiled at each other. I looked into her eyes. That's when I noticed the one thing different with her. Her eyes.

"Hey your eyes are different. They're both blue."

"Ya I got colored contacts the third month of school. Everyone was teasing me about them. I guess I just got used to it being in." She only had it in the one eye. I stopped.

"Well I love your eyes. Them being two different colors made them special." I gave her a small smile. She reached up and started touching her eye. I looked at her weird and she too the colored contact out. "Better." She smiled up at me and we continued to walk. We loosened up and just talked about whatever came to mind.


Love you<3

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